Our oceans, our future: partnering for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14
The high-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development will be convened at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 5 to 9 June 2017, coinciding with World Oceans Day, to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14. The Governments of Fiji and Sweden have the co-hosting responsibilities of the Conference.
The Conference aims to be the game changer that will reverse the decline in the health of our ocean for people, planet and prosperity. It will be solutions-focused with engagement from all.
The Conference shall:
AUGUST 9 - 10, 2017 | HOUSTON, TX
Norris Conference Centers Houston/CityCentre
About Offshore Wind Executive Summit
The U.S. is on the brink of a booming offshore wind industry – are you ready? The 2017 Offshore Wind Executive Summit: The Parallels of Wind, Oil and Gas will bring together decision makers from wind and offshore oil and gas, both from the U.S. and Europe. Using many of the same technologies—design, foundations, vessels, cabling and a highly skilled workforce—offshore O&G experts play an important role in the advancement of U.S. offshore wind. The Offshore Wind Executive Summit will provide the forum to establish new business relationships. Educate yourself on the current market including project development, important policy issues and the complicated supply chain. This event will give attendees the chance to develop what is necessary to advance the U.S. offshore wind industry.
Early Bird Discount Ends June 1st
Save $200 on your registration when you register now!
Ecology & Safety 26th International Conference
23–27 June 2017, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria
Organized by
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
- Science & Education Foundation, Bulgaria
- Al–Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
- Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia
- Kavala Institute of Technology, Greece
Energy, Climate and Global Security in the 21st Century
- Taking action together: the role of ecology in conservation partnerships
- Economy of ecological solutions and management of ecological investments
- Socio–economics in natural resource conservation
- Environmental policy and management
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Sustainable & clean technologies
- Alternative energy sources for reducing dependence on fossil fuels; Biofuels
- Geophysics; Atmospheric physics; Physical oceanography; Meteorology and hydrology
- Satellite applications in the environment
- Ecology, philosophy, sociology and law
- The media and protection of the environment

Terrestrial Ecosystems
Aquatic Ecosystems
Conservation Biology
The sustainability of natural resources
Wildlife and Management
Wetlands and Management
Microbial Ecology
Environmental Biology
Environmental Law and Policy
Urbanization and Environmental Problems
Global Economic Issues
Eco Agriculture and Organic Foods
Nature Education and Nature Conservation
Environmental Sociology
Water treatment
Biotechnology and Environment

Advancing Science, Restoring the Everglades
Greater Everglades science continues to be a foundation element for Everglades restoration and management. Building on the successful GEER conferences in 2015 and before, GEER 2017 will address the most pressing and complex science issues that we face now and into the future of restoration – a future that includes climate change, threats from invasive species, altered hydrology, development pressure, and degraded water quality. High-quality science has supported new restoration projects underway, or soon to be underway, including: assessment of how a degraded Everglades will respond to restored sheet flow; how a record-breaking El Niño event provided us with climate and hydrology conditions not seen for decades – establishing new bookends in our data records; how we should deal with invasive species, both those recently introduced and those long-established; and the ongoing balance between restoration goals and endangered species protection. Sound science relevant to these challenges and the restoration efforts is required to provide resource managers and policy-makers with the best information possible. GEER 2017 will continue its legacy of providing a valuable forum for scientists and engineers to showcase and communicate the latest scientific developments, and to facilitate information exchange that builds shared understanding among federal, state, local, and tribal scientists and decision-makers, academia, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and private citizens.
Given the success of GEER 2015, the high attendance, and the wonderful support of our partners and sponsors, GEER 2017 will expand back to a 3.5-day agenda, plus a pre-conference workshop, but will continue its simplified meeting structure and south Florida location to keep costs for participants as low as possible. The conference organizers have worked hard to provide an excellent location and conference venue, cutting-edge plenary and contributed sessions, and opportunities for valuable interaction – all while minimizing travel, lodging, and meeting costs. Please join us by participating in GEER 2017 and being part of the dialogue to better understand and inform Everglades restoration!
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