ECOLOGY FORUM / Diyarbakir- Sumerpark Campus 29-30 January 2011 29 January 2011,
Saturday Opening Speech: Time: 09.00-10.00 Venue: Tigris Reception Hall
Time:10.00-12.00 |
Time:10.00-12.00 |
Time:10.00-12.00 |
Time:10.00-12.00 |
“The Destruction of Arm on Ecosystem: Chemical Weapons, Mines…” |
“The Effect of Dams on Geography and Health, and Southeastern Anatolia Project” |
“GMOroduction and Biodiversity” |
“Political Ecology and Eco-Socialism” |
Moderator: Özlem ÖZTÜRK Şiyar GÜLTEKİN Hüseyin Fırat MAVİGÖK (Human Rights Association) Cemil ÖZEN Necdet Sezgin |
Moderator: Ahmet YILDIRIM (Academician) Doç.Dr. Ali CEYLAN İdris EKMEN Nedim TÜZÜN Atta Muhammed AHMED İsmail ASLAN Şemsettin KOÇ |
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Kemal GÜVEN (Dicle University-Environment Research Center) Polat SOYDAN A.Samed UCAMAN (Diyarbakir Agriculture Engineers Chamber) Prof.Dr. Yüksel COŞKUN (Mezopotamia Biodiversity Research Community) Cevdet ALTINDAĞ(Agriculture Engineer-VAN) Gülbahar ÖRMEK |
Moderator: Çiğdem DEMİRCAN Ecehan BALTA Gözde ORHAN Mehmet Selçuk DOĞAN (Derik Mezopotamia Ecological Society Association) Don’t Touch My Prairie Environment Movement Ali Ekber DOĞAN |
Hall: Ararat |
Hall: İştar |
Hall: Ferat |
Hall: Munzur |
Time:13.00-15.00 |
Time:13.00-15.00 |
Time:13.00-15.00 |
Time:13.00-15.00 |
Time:13.00-15.00 |
“Consume of Underground and Overland Sources in Middle East” |
“Sustainable Cities, Ecocity, Right of Dwelling,Organic Architecture and Architectural Approaches” |
“Radioactive Construction and Energy Question” |
“Social Ecology, conscientious refusal, Language and Discrimination” |
“Women and Ecology” |
Moderator: Mehmet AY (Diyarbakir Electrical Engineers Chamber) Halit SOYDAN (Hakkari Cilo Nature Association) Jose Manuel Preugachi Cachimuel (Ekvador) Mustafa Mesut TEKİK (Petroleum-Work Union) Mustafa DOĞU (Diyarbakir Mine Engineers Chamber) Palestina Aynur ŞENGÜL |
Moderator: Mehmet Emin AKKAŞ (Derik Mezopotamia Ecological Society Association) Yrd.Doç.Dr.Kamuran SAMİ Jean ROBERT Hayrettin CAYMAZ(Batman Municipality) Metin YEĞİN |
Moderator: Sabahat ASLAN(Mersin Platform Against Nuclear) Prof.Dr. Ali Osman KARABABA Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mansur ÖZCAN |
Moderator: Murat AKYÜZ Halil SAVDA Mustafa DOĞRUL(BDP Local Administrations and Ecology Commission) Erdem TEMEL(Greens) Yücel AKAY |
Moderator: Dilek ADSAN Aysen ATASEVEN Sylvia MARCOS Çağlar DEMİREL |
Hall: Tigris |
Hall: Munzur |
Hall: Ararat |
Hall: İştar |
Hall: Ferat |
Time:15.30-17.30 |
Time:15.30-17.30 |
Time:15.30-17.30 |
Time:15.30-17.30 |
“Peasants, Resistance and Experiences” |
“Water-Peace and Alternative Water Policies in Middle East” |
“Social Ecology,Local Administrations and Autonomy” |
“Post-Modern Slavery: Seasonal Workers” |
Moderator: Sinem KAVAK Fevzi ÖZLÜER Mesut KIRATLI Viransehir Ax u Av Ecological Houses Collective Metin YEĞİN |
Moderator: Hacı HASPOLAT(Diyarbakir’s Water and Sewerage Administration) Erkin ERDOĞAN Kızılca YÜRÜR Selda CANAN Saleh RABİ Nuran YÜCE |
Moderator: Bilge CONTEPE Talat ÇETİNKAYA Ali Asker YURTSEVER(Hakkari Cilo Nature Association) Hüseyin GÜNGÖR Prof. Dr. Ali Osman KARABABA Veysel KESER Demir ÇELİK |
Moderator: Deniz PELEK Zeynep SİPÇİK Viransehir Seasonal Workers Prof.Dr. Zeynep ŞİMŞEK (Harran Uni. Medical Faculty, Chairwomen of Public Health Department) Emine ASLAN- Haşim Bayrak BAYAN- Songül DURU Ali Ekber DOĞAN |
Hall: Ararat |
Hall: Munzur |
Hall: Tigris |
Hall: İştar |
Time:10.00-12.30 |
Time:10.00-12.30 |
Time:10.00-12.30 |
Time:10.00-12.30 |
Time:10.00-12.30 |
“Alternative Agriculture Workshop” |
“Eco-Technology and Experiences- Green” |
“Struggles Against Dams and Hydroelectric Plants” |
“Global Warming and Climate Change” |
“Eco-Production and the Organization of Production” |
İnan Mayıs ARU - Hira DOĞRUL(Natural Agriculture Working Group) Oliver FROEHLİNG(Mexico) |
Moderator: Kayapinar Municipality Yrd.Doç.Dr.Bilal GÜMÜŞ Gültekin AYDENİZ (Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality –Solar House) Hamit ESER(Mezopotamia Youth Research Center Association) Yrd.Doç.Dr. F.Demet AYKAL Necati Pirinççioğlu (Chamber of Architecture) |
Osman AKKUŞ (Donkişot Akademy) Allianoi İnitiative Group Karadeniz Resists! Platform Initiative to Keep Hasankeyf Alive Av. Barış YILDIRIM(Munzur Environment İnitiative) |
Moderator: Sevi DOĞAN Günay SAKA Prof.Dr. Öner ÇETİN Devin BAHÇECİ(Greens) Burak DEMİR |
Denizhan KURT Yusuf ALTUNCULAR(Mezopotamia Cooperative İnitiative) |
Time: 12.00-13.00 Seed Ball Workshop |
Hall: Ferat |
Hall: İştar |
Hall: Tigris |
Hall: Munzur |
Hall: Ararat |