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Home Religion and Ecology The Third Ecology Protection Forum of China Daoist Temples and Pagodas

The Third Ecology Protection Forum of China Daoist Temples and Pagodas

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The Mao Shan Declaration

茅 山 宣 言


The Third Ecology Protection Forum of China Daoist Temples and Pagodas

Beiyue Temple - Chinese Daoist Temple公元两千零八,四川汶川地震,北京举办奥运。大悲大喜之秋,中国道教名山宫观、省市道教协会代表69人,聚首东南福地茅山,与国际环保组织对话,应对全球生态危机,共同致力建设美好家园。

In 2008, an earthquake hit Wen Chuan in Sichuan Province and the Olympics were held in Beijing. In this bittersweet autumn, sixty-nine representatives from Chinese Taoist temples and associations have gathered together in Mao Shan - a blissful place in Southeast China - to discuss ways to counter the global ecological crisis with international environmental organizations in order to build a better homeland.


The Daoist philosophy and Daoist religion both emphasize the values of life and nature. They see everything as equal, and the world as a whole, so that when one thing gets hurt, others will be harmed, and when one thing is protected, others will share the benefit. In today’s world, climate change, natural disasters and environment pollution have become our real concerns. But we are also in a good era, a time when the whole country is united, science has been greatly developed and harmony has become a shared goal. The Daoist faiths therefore recognize that it is necessary to inherit our old tradition, while also advancing with time, and to innovate and make progress.


为达此目标,我们郑重宣告:The Ecology Protection Forum of China Daoist Temples and Pagodas follows the principle that the “Dao Follows Nature” and sees the pursuit of harmony between heaven and human as its obligation. It calls for all Daoists to change our feelings and behavior to realize the sacred goal that we share: to build ecological temples and forge our heaven on earth.


Based on Taoist principles, we hold Lao Zi as our God of Ecology. We advocate a better use of land, forest and water resources, and we call for all the faithful to make the landscape in and around Taoist temples greener and more beautiful. We will also put in place proper facilities that will help protect our water resources and deal with pollution, build systematic plans and regulations that will help to promote environment protection programs, and education, and use energy saving technology and materials in order to build a benign ecological link between living areas and the natural environment.


We also promise that in the next ten years, our ecological temples project will focus on the following seven areas:


1. Putting great effort into ecological education and training. Expanding materials and education about the natural environment, that will be open to pilgrims and ordinary people who visit our temples and mountains.


2. Advocating simpler lifestyles that will reduce energy and energy costs.

- 积极参与社会环保事业,促进建立良性的全球生态圈;

3. Participating in Social environmental activities with the community.

- 加强与新闻媒体的合作,扩大道教生态思想在全社会的传播;

4. To enhance cooperation with the media to spread the word about ecology

- 以建设生态道观为己任,将其纳入全社会环保计划之中,形成与社会的互动;

5. To build ecological temples as our duty.

- 以生态理念贯穿道教教务活动;

6. Maximizing the ecological benefit we can achieve from our assets.

- 建立宫观生态保护的联系网络,以增进宫观间的合作与交流。

7. Building and maintaining a Daoist Ecological Protection Network.

**** Links

*** Link here for news of the Third Daoist Ecology Forum which opened on 27 October 2008 in Jurong, near Nanjing in Jiangsu Province.

*** Link here to read the Mao Shan Declaration in Chinese and English.

*** Link here for details of Martin Palmer's introductory talk at the Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** Link here for details of Martin Palmer's response to the Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** Link here for details of UN's representative, Olav Kjorven's speech at the Third Daoist Ecology Forum in Jurong.

*** And link here to read an article on Daoism and climate change written by Olav Kjorven.

*** Link here for details of Chinese Daoists' Ecology Protection Eight Year Plan.

*** Link here to download the Daoist Eight Year Plan in pdf (209KB).

*** Link here to download the Mao Shan Declaration in pdf (116KB).

*** Link here for more Daoist eco-news.


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