Environment and Ecology

environment - ecology - nature - habitat - gaia - permaculture - systems - sustainability ...

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Home MovieGoodPlanet GoodPlanet is a foundation that was created in 2005 to raise public awareness of environmental protection and to bring concrete solutions to the Earth’s ecological crisis. The foundation is chaired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Yann Arthus-Bertrand has flown over one hundred countries around the world. Extraordinary aerial views of nature and descriptive texts invite all of us to reflect upon the our planet’s evolution and its inhabitants’ future. 
In just 50 years mankind has modified Planet Earth’s environment faster than in the whole history of humanity! As Earth’s ecosystem worsens, nature is expressing its violent anger: fresh water, oceans, forests, air, climate, arable land are all diminishing drastically. 
We live a decisive moment - right now! A worldwide governmental policy must establish without delay norms which will make it possible “to meet present needs without compromising the needs of future generations”. We are personally responsible for the future of our Earth, and each of us has a role to play; we are all able – have the duty - to take action. 
Here’s where we start.

The mission of GoodPlanet


GoodPlanet is working to raise awareness and propose concrete solutions in favor of our planet and its inhabitants. We are 
•  Sensitizing all citizens to the world’s problems, and giving each person an active role; 
•  Mobilizing the economic leaders and governmental policies by explaining the association’s goals and by helping them set up sustainable development procedures; 
•  Implementing programs that propose concrete answers to the environmental crisis. 

GoodPlanet is member of the French « Alliance pour la planète » and the « Comité 21 », in addition to other French ecological associations.


GoodPlanet official data (french only) :

GoodPlanet Board

Founding members :

Founding President of the GoodPlanet organization
Photographer, Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Environment Programme

Communication Director of BNP Paribas

Thierry LOMBARD for Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie
Banker, founding President of Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie Bank
Founding President of the GoodPlanet Foundation of Switzerland

Olivier LE GRAND for Cortal Consors
Managing Director of Cortal Consors

Institutional members :

Delegates of
Ministry of the Interior : Patrick Audebert
Ministry of national education : Jean Michel VALANTIN
Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Territory managment : Mrs Catherine LARRIEU

Qualified members : 

Alain JUPPE : Bordeaux Mayor 

Serge ORRU : Managing Director of WWF France 

Jean-Marc ROIRANT : Secretary General of the "Ligue de l’Enseignement" 

Mrs Jane GOODALL : Jane Goodall Institute President

Mrs Chantal JAQUET : Sustainable Development strategy advisor



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