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Home Energy and Environment A New Paradigm for the European Energy System

A New Paradigm for the European Energy System

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Efficiency First: A New Paradigm for the European Energy System

In February 2015 the principle of ‘Efficiency First’  (E1st) was formally endorsed by the European Commission within the framework of the Energy Union. Based on the input of experts from the Regulatory Assistance Project, E3G, ClientEarth, eceee, the Smart Energy Demand Coalition, CAN Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, OpenExp and the European Climate Foundation, the briefing Efficiency First: A New Paradigm for the European Energy System – Driving Competitiveness, Energy Security and Decarbonisation through increased Energy Productivity sets out how the principle can help the Energy Union to deliver on these three goals, and the changes needed to the governance framework to make it work in practice.

This initiative has been welcomed by the European Commission’s Vice President for Energy Union, Maros Šefcovic, who has provided an introduction for the briefing.

The briefing is the result of an expert process convened by the European Climate Foundation during 2016.

More detail on those changes recommended for the governance framework are given in the second document, Governance for Efficiency First: “Plan, Finance and Deliver“ – ten near-term actions the European Commission should take to make Efficiency First a reality.

  • Please download the report here.
  • Please download the summary here.

Source: https://europeanclimate.org/efficiency-first-a-new-paradigm-for-the-european-energy-system/



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