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Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability: Diverse People for a Diverse Science

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SEEDS is an education program of the Ecological Society of America. Its mission is to diversify and advance the ecology profession through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of underrepresented students to not only participate in ecology, but to lead. Focused mainly at the undergraduate level, with extension services for communities, high schools, graduate students, and international collaborations, the SEEDS program promotes an ecology profession with wide representation to ensure environmental understanding and a sustainable future for all..

The core SEEDS program components offer hands-on, engaging experiences with ecology that exhibit the relevance and applications of the science. Each experience also provides opportunities to interact with a diverse group of ecologists and other motivated students to both broaden and deepen students’ understanding of ecology and potential careers.

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The Institute of Environmental Sciences of Bogaziçi University

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The Institute of Environmental Sciences of Bogaziçi UniversityThe Institute of Environmental Sciences was founded in 1982 as an extension and restructuring of the Environmental Research Group established in the School of Engineering during the late 1970s. Starting with three graduate students in the fall semester of the 1984/1985 academic year, the Institute had its first graduates in 1986, and since then 208 M.Sc. and 46 Ph.D degrees were awarded in the fields of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Technology. The Institute of Environmental Sciences of Bogaziçi University is the first environmental research organization in Turkey established by law (Turkish Official Gazette, No: 18124, 3 August 1983). The Institute academic staff consists of 16 full time faculty members, 18 research assistants and 5 expert technical personnel.

Unlike environmental engineering departments in many other Turkish universities, the Institute of Environmental Sciences plays a unique role, comprising researchers from a broad background, i.e. not only from environmental engineering, but also from chemical, civil, and industrial engineering, chemistry, biophysics and biology. The research topics of the Institute are not only on environmental engineering (like all other environmental engineering departments) but also on pure environmental sciences, ecology, and social environmental sciences. Since 1994, more than 320 research articles have been published by the Institute members in journals covered by Science Citation Index-Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index. These articles have received 3500 citations (end of 2009). Institute h-index is 31.


The Department of Environmental Engineering - METU

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The Department of Environmental Engineering - METU

General Information

The Department of Environmental Engineering was established in January 1973 in response to the growing concern over the environment and the need for fully qualified engineers capable of undertaking professional responsibilities for optimum development and prudent management of water, air and land resources. This department evolved from the Sanitary Engineering division of the Civil Engineering Department, which had been offering graduate courses in this field since 1967.

The mission of the Environmental Engineering Department is to provide the high quality environmental engineering education as required by the industry and the public; to advance the understanding and application of the principles of environmental science and engineering; to enhance and maintain sustainable economic development efforts and to improve the well-being of the society in general through teaching, research and community outreach programs. This mission is consistent with the broader mission of the Institution.

The graduates of the B.S. program of METU Department of Environmental Engineering, after few years following graduation, are environmental engineering professionals who meet the following Program Educational Objectives:

  • Graduates will practice their profession with the scientific fundamentals and key principles of Environmental Engineering
  • Graduates will identify and solve the current and emerging environmental problems.
  • Graduates will pursue active research and participate in technology development programs.
  • Graduates will practice environmental engineering as effective members who play leadership role in coordinating multi disciplinary teams.
  • Graduates will comply with professional and ethical responsibilities as practicing environmental engineers.

The Program Outcomes of the Environmental Engineering Department are such that

  • Graduates will have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • Graduates will have an ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • Graduates will have an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs with realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
  • Graduates will have an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
  • Graduates will have an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • Graduates will have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • Graduates will have an ability to communicate effectively
  • Graduates will have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
  • Graduates will have recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  • Graduates will have knowledge of contemporary issues
  • Graduates will have an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

The Department offers the degrees in

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
  • Master of Science (M.S.)
  • Philosophy of Doctor (Ph.D.)

The programs are designed with consideration of the modern concepts of environmental engineering education, as well as to encourage the development of individual initiative and resourcefulness with emphasis on responsibility and good judgement.

As a part of the undergraduate program, students are required to complete two summer practies each lasting 20 working days as approved by the department and to prepare reports of their activities, subject to the approval of the department. Students successfully completing the four year program are awarded the degree of B.S. in the Environmental Engineering.

The goal of the graduate programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees is two folds. First is to establish active research and technology development programs for identification and solution of current and future environmental and engineering problems. Second is to provide trained human resources with advanced technical knowledge capable of making decisions and directing projects towards solutions of complex environmental problems.

The graduate program offers research opportunities and advanced course work to qualified students in the following specific areas: water supply engineering, wastewater engineering, air pollution and control, water quality management, soil and ground water pollution, environmental modeling, environmental impact assessment, environmental chemistry and environmental microbiology and biotechnology.



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