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Home Academicians JOEL KOVEL


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Joel KovelJoel Kovel was born in 1936 in Brooklyn, NY, to an immigrant Ukrainian-Jewish family. As a youngster his great love was science; however, the breadth of his interests as well as increasing engagement in society led him to medicine and then psychiatry and psychoanalysis, in which career he eventually became Professor and Director of the Residency Training Program in Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

The Vietnam War and the crises of the 1960s caused him to move sharply to the political left, to begin what became a vocation as a writer, and to engage the study of Marx. Intellectually, this set going a conflict with his identity as a Freudian psychoanalyst, and spurred further work. Another dimension was added when his activism in the antiwar movement and in defense of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua brought Kovel into contact with radical Christians. Combined with mounting dissatisfaction with the health care system, this resulted in a departure from medicine, psychiatry and psychoanalysis in 1985. In 1988 Kovel joined the faculty of Bard College as Alger Hiss Professor of Social Studies, and remained there until 2009 when he was let go in a highly contentious case involving his political activity, especially in regard to anti-Zionism.

Kovel has written ten books reflecting his complex political and intellectual engagement. White Racism (1971) was nominated for a National Book Award; The Age of Desire (1982) detailed his Marx-Freud period; Against the State of Nuclear Terror (1982) and In Nicaragua (1986) recount his political activism of the 1980s; History and Spirit (1991), written with the support of a Guggenheim Grant, attempts a synthesis of spirituality and historical materialism; and Red Hunting in the Promised Land (1994) is a study of ideology that approaches the problem of anticommunism in the history of the United States.

 By the late 1980s, Kovel began what has been his chief concern in recent years: overcoming the ecological crisis, which he considers to be a manifestation of the reckless expansionism of the capitalist system. He joined the editorial collective of the academic quarterly, Capitalism Nature Socialism, and became its Editor-in-Chief in 2003. This project included a brief electoral career on behalf of the Green Party, in which he ran for the US Senate for New York in 1998 and sought the party’s presidential nomination in 2000. Turning again to writing, he composed his 2002 work, The Enemy of Nature (Second edition 2007), dedicated to the propagation of “ecosocialism.” This was accompanied by the founding in 2007 of the Ecosocialist International Network. Kovel’s latest book, Overcoming Zionism (2007) advocating a “One-State” solution to the problem of Palestine, caused a furor upon its publication, and was briefly banned from circulation by its distributor owing to pressure from the Israel Lobby.

Kovel has always been internationally minded. He has lectured on six continents, and has made seven trips to South Africa, beginning in 1989, when he was one of the first foreign intellectuals invited by the democratic resistance as the academic blockade became lifted. He was a fellow of the Centre for Civil Society at UKZN in 2006. Other notable appearances include being the keynote speaker invited by the Government of Brazil for its national environmental conference in 2008; and most recently, as the keynote speaker at Fudan University in Shanghai, PRC, for their conference on “Marxism and Ecological Civilization.”



Born: August 27, 1936
Married, three children



 1957 B.S., Summa cum Laude, Yale University, Phi Beta Kappa, Junior Year
1961 M.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Alpha Omega Alpha
1977 Graduate, Psychoanalytic Institute, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
1977-83 Director of Residency Training, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1979-86 Professor of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1980-85 Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, New York, NY
1986-87 Visiting Professor of Political Science and Communications, University of California, San Diego
1988- 2003 Alger Hiss Professor of Social Studies, Bard College, Annandale, NY 12504; since 2003, Distinguished Professor of Social Studies
Spring 1990 Visiting Lecturer, San Diego State University
Winter 1993 Visiting Professor of Communication, University of California, San Diego
Professor, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, CA
2003 Editor in Chief, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism



1. White Racism: A Psychohistory, New York, Pantheon, 1970. Second edition, New York, Columbia University Press, 1984 (with a new Introduction). Third edition, London, Free Association Books (with an additional introduction by Ivan Ward). Nominated for National Book Award in Religion and Philosophy, 1972.
2. A Complete Guide to Therapy, New York, Pantheon, 1976; Paperbook edition, 1977. Re-issued in 1987 with a new Introduction. Also published in England (Harmondsworth, Penguin); Holland (Antwerp, Bruna); Italy (Rome, Astrolabio); Sweden (Stockhom, Prisma); and Germany (Frankfurt, Campus Verlag--reissued in 1984).
3. The Age of Desire: Case Histories of a Radical Psychoanalyst, New York, Pantheon, 1981. Published in Italy (1985), Rome, Astrolabio, in Turkey, 2000, Ayrinti Yayinlari.
4. Against the State of Nuclear Terror, London, Pan, 1983. Revised edition, Boston, South End, 1984.
5. The Radical Spirit: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society, Free Association Books, London, 1988. Distributed by Columbia University Press. Selected as a "Choice Outstanding Academic Book" for 1989.
6. In Nicaragua, Free Association Books, London, 1988. Distributed by Columbia University Press.
7. History and Spirit, Boston: Beacon Press, 1991.
Turkish edition; 1996, Second edition, 2000, Ayrinti Yayinlari. Second Edition, Essential Books, 1998.
8. Red Hunting in the Promised Land, New York: Basic Books, 1994. Second edition, Cassell, London, 1997.
The Enemy of Nature, 2002, Zed Books, London. Tulika Books, New Delhi, 2004; in press, Metis Publications, Istanbul.
10. in progress, Beyond Zionism


1. "A Psychoanalytic Study of Hucklebery Finn," with Jose Barchilon, M.D., Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol 14, 1966, 775-814.
2. "New Directions in Psychiatric Education at Albert Einstein College of Medicine," Seminars in Psychiatry, Vol. 2, 1970, 176-188.
3. "Reflections on the History of American Racism," Civil Rights Digest, Vol. 4, 1971, 27-37.
4. "A Psychohistorical Perspective on the Indochina War," Social Policy, July-August, 1972.
5. "On Reading Madame Bovary Psychoanalytically," Seminars in Psychiatry, Vol. 5, 1973, 331-345.
6. "The Castration Complex Reconsidered," in Jean Strouse, ed.,Women in Analysis: Dialogue on Psychoanalytic Views of Femininity, New York, Grossman, 1974, 133-146; reprinted, Boston, G.K. Hall, 1985.
7. "Erik Erikson's Psychohistory," Social Policy, Vol 4, March-April, 1974, 60-64.
8. "The Marxist View of Man and Psychoanalysis," Social Research, Vol. 43, #2, 1976, 220-245.
9. "Therapy in Late Capitalism," Telos, #30, Winter 1976-77, 73-92.
10. "Are Theories Value-Free?", in R. Stern, L.S. Horowitz and J. Lynes, eds., Science and Psychotherapy, New York, Haven, 1977, 169-176.
11. "Othello," in Maynard Solomon, ed., Myth, Creativity, Psychoanalysis: Essays in Honor of Harry Slochower, Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1978, 113-119.
12. "Things and Words: Metapsychology and the Historical Point of View," Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, Vol. I, 1978, 21-88.
13. "Rationalization and the Family," Telos, #37, Fall, 1978, 5-22. Reprinted in Barry Richards, ed., Capitalism and Infancy: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Politics, London, Free Association Books, 1984, 102-121; and in Adolph Reed, Jr., ed., Race, Politics and Culture: Critical Essays on the Radicalism of the 1960s, New York, Greenwood Press, 1986, 207-226.
14. "Varieties of Antipsychiatry," The Sciences, Jan. 1979, 26-29.
15. "Psychoanalysis Today," Partisan Review, Vol. 46, #4, 1979, 502-510.
16. "The American Mental Health Industry," in David Ingleby, ed., Critical Psychiatry, New York, Pantheon, 1980, 72-101. Published in England, by Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1981. Translated by Mario Conci as "L'industria americana della salute mentale," Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, Vol. XX, #4, 1986, 3-42.
17. "Marx and Freud," in Mel Albin, ed., New Directions in Psychohistory: The Adelphi Papers in Honor of Erik Erikson, Lexington, Heath, 1980, 21-26.
18. "Narcissism and the Family," Telos, #44, Summer, 1980, 88-101.
19. "Looking Better and Worse at the Same Time," Social Policy, Vol. 11, 1980, 10-11.
20. "Mind and State in Ancient Greece," Dialectical Anthropology,
Vol. 5, 1981, 305-316.
21. "Values, Interests and Psychotherapy," The American Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 42, 1982, 109-119.
22. "Psychoanalyst in New York," in Bernard Rosenberg and Ernest Goldstein, eds., Creators and Disturbers: Reminiscences by Jewish Intellectuals of New York, New York, Columbia University Press, 1982, 234-246.
23. "Theses on Technocracy," Telos, #54, Winter 1982-83, 155-161.
24. "From Despair to Action: Reckoning With the Nuclear Mentality," WIN, Vol. 19, 1983, 4-7.
25. "Must We Learn to Love the Bomb?" The Times (London) Higher Educational Supplement, 7/22/83, 11.
26. "Marx on the Jewish Question," Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 8, 1983, 31-46.
27. "The City and Race," (with Alvin Poussaint and Gil Noble), in James Polshek, ed.,The Vision and Reality of the American City, New York, KCG Productions, 1983, 77-98.
28. "Religion and Emancipation," Telos, #58, Winter, 1983-84, 135-138.
29. "From Reich to Marcuse," in Sonya Sayres, et. al., eds., The Sixties Without Apology, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, Social Text, 1984, 258-261.
30. "On Being A Marxist Psychoanalyst (and a Psychoanalytic Marxist)," Free Associations, (London), Pilot Issue, 1984, 149-154.
31. "L'Aigle Plane Sur Le Nicaragua," Les Temps Modernes, #461, Decembre, 1984, 1146-1169. Published (revised), as "The Eagle Hovers Over Nicaragua," Old Westbury Review, Vol. 1, #1, May 1985, 5-20.
32. "Cryptic Notes on Revolution and the Spirit," Emergency, (London), #3, 1985, 34-39. The Old Westbury Review , Vol. 1, #2, Fall, 1986, 23-34.
33. "The Vatican Strikes Back," Monthly Review, Vol. 36, #11, April, 1985, 14-27.
34. "Why Freud or Reich?" Free Associations, #4, Jan., 1986, 80-99.
35. "Class, Power, and the State," Monthly Review, Vol. 37, #8, Jan., 1986, 23-38.
36. "Marx, Freud, and the Problem of Materialism," Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 10, 1986, 179-188.
37. "The Theocracy of John Paul II," Socialist Register, 1987, 428-479.
38. "Watching Aqui in Esta Esquina," Program Catalogue, Artist's Space: TV Sandino, February, 1987, 8-13.
39. "A Bad Neighbor Policy," Blueprint for Social Justice, Vol, XL, No. 9, May, 1987.
40. "Schizophrenic Being and Technocratic Society," in David Michael Levin, ed., Pathologies of the Modern Self, New York, New York University Press, 1987, 330-348.
41. "On the Notion of Human Nature: A Contribution Towards a Philosophical Anthropology," in S. Messer, L. Sass, and R. Woolfolk, eds., Hermeneutical Approaches to Psychology, New Brunswik, Rutgers University Press, 1988, 370-99.
42. "A Critique of DSM-III", Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control, Vol. 9, 1988, 125-144.
43. "The Victims of Anticommunism," Z, Vol 1, No. 1, January, 1988, 84-89.
44. "Jimmy Swaggart's Crystal Palace," Z, Vol 1, No. 4, April, 1988.
45. "On Violence and Nonviolence," Z, Vol 1, No. 6-7, July-Aug, 1988.
46. "Oh Psy, Can You See?," Z, Vol 1, No. 10, October, 1988.
47. Statement on Richard Serra's Tilted Arc , in Richard Serra's Tilted Arc , eds., Clara Weyergraf-Serra and Martha Buskirk (Van Abbemuseum, 1988), 93-94.
48. "Two Spiritual Revolutionaries," Monthly Review, Vol. 40, No. 8, January, 1989, 22-34.
49. "The Therapy of Politics, the Politics of Therapy," Z, Vol. 2, No. 3, March, 1989.
50. "Reply to Caffentzis," Social Text, #22 Spring, 1989 142-146.
51. "The Embracing Vision of Joseph Needham," Science as Culture #5, 1989, 50-70.
52. "Desiring Speech," Z, July-August, 1989.
53. "Beginning to See the End of Apartheid," Z, November, 1989.
54. “Human Nature, Freedom and Spirit,” in John Clark ed., Renewing the Earth (London: GreenPrint, 1990), 137-152.
55. "Beyond the Future of an Illusion: Further Reflections on Freud and Religion," Psychoanalytic Review, 77 (1990), 69-88.
56. "The Antidialectic of Pornography," in Michael Kimmel, ed., Men Confront Pornography, (New York: Crown, 1990), 153-67.
57. "Liberation Theology/Liberation Spirituality," Z, February, 1990.
58. "The Worst Man in the World," Z, June, 1990, 101-4.
59. Article, "Anticommunism," in The Encyclopedia of the American Left, eds. Mary Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, Dan Georgakas (New York and London: Garland, 1990).
60. “Marxism and Psychoanalysis--an Exchange with Ian Craib, Radical Philosophy 55, Summer 1990, 25-30.
61. “J. Edgar Hoover,” Z, October, 1990
62. “Love Hubert, He Was a Liberal,” Z, November, 1991.
63. "Speaking Truth to Power," in Essays in Honor of Max Charlesworth, Douglas Kirsner, ed., Meanjin [Melbourne], 50: 1991, 447-462.
64. "Anticommunism and the Denial of the Primitive," in Christine Gailey, ed.Dialectical Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Stanley Diamond, Volume I, Civilization in Crisis, Gainsville, Univerity of Florida Press, 1992, 353-61.
65. Articles: “Freud,” “Reich.” in Robert Benewick and Philip Green, eds, The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth Century Political Thinkers, London, Routledge, 1992.
66. “Post-Communist Anticommunism in America,” Socialist Register 1992, 254-69.
67. "Reflections on the Fall of Communism," Z, February, 1992.
68. "Naming and Conquest," Monthly Review, Vol 44, No.3, July-August, 1992, 49-60.
69. "Commentary on Marcuse and Ecology," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, #11, Sept, 1992, 40-42.
70. “The Meeting of Psychoanalysis and Religion,” in Ivan Ward, ed., Is Psychoanalysis another Religion?, London, Freud Museum Publications, 1993, 15-21
71. “The Marriage of Radical Ecologies,” in Michael Zimmerman, ed., Environmental Philosophy, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993), 406-417.
72. “Remembering Ralph Miliband,” Monthly Review, Vol 46, No. 4, Sept, 1994, 51-58.
73. “Red-Green Politics in the U.S., Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, #20, December, 1994, 1-4.
74. Foreword: Rainer Funk, ed., The Erich Fromm Reader (NJ: Humanities Press, 1994) vii-xii.
75. “Freudianism and its Discontents: A Reply to Eli Zaretsky,” Tikkun, 9:71-72,87, May/June 1994
76. “Psychoanalysis and Racism,” in Anthony Elliott and Stephen Frosh, eds., Psychoanalysis in Contexts (London: Routledge, 1995), 205-222.
77. Monthly column: “Notes From Willow,” Woodstock Journal, 1995-1997.
78. “Ecological Marxism and Dialectic,” Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, #24, December, 1995, 31-50.
79. “Negating Bookchin,” in Murray Bookchin, Nature’s Prophet, CNS/CPE Pamphlet #5 (Santa Cruz, CA: 1996), 1-33. Published in Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol 8: 1997, 3-36; and in Andrew Light, ed, Social Ecology After Bookchin (NY: Guilford, 1999)
“Dispatches from the Science Wars,” Social Text #46-47, 1996, 167-176.
81. “Istvan Meszaros’ Beyond Capital" Monthly Review, March, 1997
82. “The Enemy of Nature,” Monthly Review, Sept, 1997.
83. “Comments on John Clark’s Social Ecology,” Capitalism Nature Socialism March 1998.
84. “Dialectic as Praxis,” Science and Society, 1998.
“The Spectre Redefined,” in Conference Proceedings, 150th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, Espaces Marx, Paris, 1998; Socialism and Democracy (#23-24, 1998, pp105-114).
Biweekly column, "From Left Field," Woodstock Times, April - September, 1999.
"So You Want to be a Senator?" Z January, 1999.
"The Justifiers," Capitalism Nature Socialism December, 1999.
"Poetry After the Holocaust," Dialectical Anthropology 24: 239-253, 1999.
"El enimgo de la naturaleza," in Carlos Jésus Delgado Díaz, ed, Cuba Verde (Editorial José Martí: Havana, 1999), 219-230.
"Beyond the World Trade Organization," Synthesis/Regeneration 21, Winter, 2000, 6-9.
"Beyond Populism," Synthesis/Regeneration 22, Spring, 2000, 2-3.
various campaign statements, 1998, 2000: HYPERLINK http://www.greens.org/ny/kovel www.greens.org/ny/kovel
"Reflections on a dialectical ecology," in Andrew Light and Mechthild Nagel, eds, Race, Class, and Community Identity, (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2000), 148-156.
"Comments on Alain Liepetz," Capitalism Nature Socialism Vol 11(2), June, 2000, 67-71.
"The Struggle for Use Value," Capitalism Nature Socialism, ,Vol 11 (2), June, 2000, 3-22.
"Reflections on White Racism," Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 10/4, July 2000.
Preface to 2d edition Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxism and Freedom (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2000).
"Global Warming and Realo/Fundi Greens" Z, February, 2001, 39-44.
“A Materialism Worthy of Nature,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol 12 (2), June, 2001, 73-84.
“The Fossils Seize Power,” Against the Current, Vol XVI, Sept-October, 2001, 14-16.
Reply to Burkett, Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol 12 (3), Sept, 2001, 145-7.
“Groundworks,” a column. Tikkun Jan, March, May, 2002, Jan 2003.
(with Michael Lowy) “An Ecosocialist Manifesto,” Capitalism Nature Socialism March, 2002, 1-3.
“Zionism’s Bad Conscience,” Tikkun, Sept-Oct, 2002, 21-24.
“La Lección de Johannesburgo,” Tesis 11 (Buenos Aires), Nov-Dec 2002, 36-37.
“Passage in India”, Capitalism Nature Socialism, Dec, 2002, 103-120.
“The United States Military Machine,” Chronogram, Feb., 2003
“The Dialectics of Radical Ecology,” Capitalism Nature Socialism, March, 2003, 75-87.
“The US Anti-War Movement,” Khanya (Johannesburg, RSA), #3 March, 2003, 34-36.
“Left Anti-Semitism and the Special Status of Israel,” Tikkun, May-June, 2003, 45-51.
“Racism and Ecology,” Socialism and Democracy, #33 Vol 17 #1, Summer 2003.
“Un socialiisme pour les temps nouveaux,” in Jean-Marie Harribey and Michael, Löwy, eds., Capital contre nature, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2003, 149-154.
“Los alquimistas de la potencia dominante,” Tesis 11 July-August 2003, 10-11.
“The Trouble With Zionism,” Chronogram, March, 2004, 10-12.


1. In The Service of Their Country: War Resisters in Prison, by Willard Gaylin. New York Times Book Review, 7/5/70.
2. "On the New History," review of History and Human Survival, by Robert Jay Lifton. Psychiatry and Social Science Review, Vol. 4, #9, 7/14/70, 2-8.
3. Frederick Taylor: A Study in Personality and Innovation, by Sudhir Kakar; and The First Henry Ford: A Study in Personality and Business Leadership, by Anne Jardim. New York Times Book Review, 2/14/71.
4. "Interpreting the Literary Unconscious," Essay-review of Psychoanalysis and Literary Process , ed., Frederick Crews; and The Dynamics of Literary Response , by Norman Holland. Psychiatry and Social Science Review, Vol. 5. #8, 7/24/71, 20-27.
5. Not by the Color of Their Skin, by Marjorie McDonald. Bulletin, Psychoanalytic Association of New York, Summer, 1971, 10-11.
6. Mary Barnes: Two Accounts of a Journey Through Madness, by Joseph Berke. New York Times Book Review, 7/2/72.
7. A Psychiatrist's Head, by Martin Shepard, New York Times Book Review, 10/8/72.
8. "Unhappy Families," review of Pathwways to Madness, by Jules Henry. Psychotherapy and Social Science Review , 12/22/72, 18-22.
9. Man's Aggression, by Gregory Rochlin, New York Times Book Review, 3/18/72.
10. Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a Permanent Cultural Revolution, by Bruce Brown. Liberation, 12/73.
11. Overview of the Psychotherapies, ed., Gene Usdin. Hospital and Community Psychiatry , Vol. 26, #12, 12/75, 835-836.
12. Neurosis and Civilization, by Michael Schneider. Telos, #27, Spring, 1976, 185-195.
13. "Freud the Revolutionary," review of Social Amnesia, by Russell Jacoby. Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 63, 1976, 171-177.
14. The Nuremberg Mind, by Florence Miale and Michael Selzer, New York Times Book Review, 2/8/76.
15. The Age of Sensation, by Herbert Hendin, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 46, 1977, 695-698.
16. "Robert Coles' Fate," review of The Mind's Fate, by Robert Coles. The Nation, 9/25/76, 280-282.
17. The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy, by Seymour Fisher and Roger Greeenberg, The Sciences, Vol. 18, #1, 1978, 24-26.
18. "Psycho-Dabble," review of Out in Inner Space, by Stephen Appelbaum, The Sciences, Vol. 19, #9, 1979, 28-30.
19. "Driving Out the Middle Ground," review of Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and the Black Revolution, by Victor Wolfenstein, The Nation, 5/23/81, 644-645.
20, "Mystifications of the Couch," review of Psychoanalysis, the Impossible Profession, by Janet Malcolm, The Nation, 9/12/81, 214-216.
21. "Western Marxism," review of Dialectic of Defeat: Contours of Western Marxism, by Russell Jacoby, Monthly Review, Vol. 34, #7, 12/82, 56-63.
22. Humanistic Psychology, eds., Joseph Royce and Leendert Mos, Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 6, 1982, 357-360.
23. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-III. The Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol. 1, 1982, 103-104.
24. "A Reading of Marxism," review of Four Lectures on Marxism, by Paul Sweezy, Monthly Review, Vol. 35, #2, 6/83, 49-56.
25. "Marxism and Christianity," review of Marxism: An American Christian Perspective, by Arthur McGovern, Monthly Review, Vol. 36, #2, June, 1984, 49-57.
26. "Sins of the Fathers," review of The Assault on Truth, by Jeffrey Masson; and In the Freud Archive, by Janet Malcolm, Free Associations, #1, April, 1985, 113-124.
27. "The Doctor's Dilemma," review of The Final Epidemic, Ruth Adams and Susan Cullen, eds., PsychCritique, Vol. 1, #1, April, 1985, 105-107.
28. Delusion, by James Glass, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, Vol. 37, #1, Jan. 1986, 82.
29. "Constructing Reality," review of The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection, by Edward S. Herman and Frank Brodhead, Monthly Review, Vol. 38, #11, 1987, 52-57.
30. “The Manufacture of Terrorism,” review of The “Terrorism” Industry. by Edward Herman and Gerry O’Sullivan, Monthly Review, Vol 43 #6, 1991, 52-56.
31. Meat: A Natural Symbol by Nick Fiddes, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, #13, March, 1993, 137-38.
32. Women and the Environment, Annabel Rodda, ed., Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, #14, June, 1993, 136-137.
33. Marxism and Spirituality, Ben Page, ed. Monthly Review, March 1994.
34. Psychoanalytic Marxism , by Victor Wolfenstein, Psychoanalytic Psychology, 11 (4) 575-581, 1994.
35. Lynne Chancer, Sadism, Tikkun 1994
36. James Blaut, The Colonizers View of the World, Monthly Review, January, 1996.
37. Ignacio Martín-Baró, Writings for a Liberation Psychology, Monthly Review, September, 1996.
38. Charles Strozier, ed, The Year 2000, The Psychohistory Review, April, 1998.
39. Arran Gare, Nihilism, Inc., Capitalism Nature Socialism March, 1998
David Chalmers, The Conscious Mind, Science and Society, (1999).
Richard Powers, Gain, Capitalism Nature Socialism (Sept 1999)
Richard Lichtman, Dying in America, Tikkun, July-August, 2002, 73-74.


Editorial Associate, Telos (1974-1985), Free Associations, The Psychohistory Review, Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, Dialectical Anthropology, Referee, Hospital and Community Psychiatry.
Numerous lectures, panels, interviews, radio and television broadcasts in the U.S., Canada, U.K., South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, France, India, Australia, and Turkey.
Film acting: Sigmund's Freud's Dora (1979), Born In Flames (1983), Fresh Kills (1994).
Co-Producer, Waiting for the Invasion: U.S. Citizens in Nicaragua, awarded Best Video, Global Village Documentary Festival, 1984.
Author and Narrator, “The Pequot Massacre,” Bread and Puppet Circus, Ninth Street Theatre, 1991
Awarded Fellowship, the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, 1987: "A Critique of Spirituality." (History and Spirit )
Lecture, “Blake and the Radical Spirit,” London, The Tate Gallery, October, 1991.
Honorary Degree: Doctor of Humane Letters, The Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, June, 1992. Commencement speaker.
Board of Directors, Great Small Works Theatre, 1998-present.
Candidate for US Senate from New York, The Green Party, 1998.
Candidate for nomination for President of the United States, The Green Party, 2000.



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