Ecology & Safety 26th International Conference
23–27 June 2017, Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria

Organized by
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
- Science & Education Foundation, Bulgaria
- Al–Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
- Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia
- Kavala Institute of Technology, Greece
Energy, Climate and Global Security in the 21st Century
- Taking action together: the role of ecology in conservation partnerships
- Economy of ecological solutions and management of ecological investments
- Socio–economics in natural resource conservation
- Environmental policy and management
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Sustainable & clean technologies
- Alternative energy sources for reducing dependence on fossil fuels; Biofuels
- Geophysics; Atmospheric physics; Physical oceanography; Meteorology and hydrology
- Satellite applications in the environment
- Ecology, philosophy, sociology and law
- The media and protection of the environment
Ecology of Air, Soil and Water
- Forest and Natural Resource Management
- Landscape degradation and restoration; Ground water remediation
- Living systems and quantitative biology
- Ecological monitoring and evaluation of ecological status
- International ecological standards and certification
- Ecology of agriculture and food industry
- Ecotourism and ecological impact of tourism
- Construction, architecture and the environment; Habitat reconstruction
- Waste processing projects (factories, garbage dumps)
- Waste management and waste recycling plans
Health and Safety
- Green technologies
- Medical and ecological phytodesign
- Nanomedicine, nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, nanoaerosols
- Medical chemistry; Pharmacology; Development and design of medical products
- Occupational and environmental hygiene
Civil Protection and Disaster Management
- Ecosystems — sustainable management in crisis regions
- Industrial safety and risk management
- Industrial ecology and transboundary pollution
- Innovative technologies for civil protection and disaster management
- Innovative technology for early warning systems and disaster scenarios
- Innovative training methods for national and international civil protection
- Cooperation regarding logistic issues in international operations
- Security organisations: communication during disaster management operations
- Risk and crisis communication
- Research for civil security
Ecology & Safety (ISSN 1314-7234)
All the papers, regardless of the presentation type, will be published in a relevant journal of International Scientific Publications. Each paper is peer–reviewed by two anonymous, independent reviewers. The official language is English. Sending a paper for publication is optional.
This journal is indexed by Russian Science Citation Index, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Scholar, Google Scholar, Polish Scholarly Bibliography.
Cengiz Kurtulus, Kocaeli University, Turkey
Co–Editor in Chief
Kostadin Ganev, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgaria
Executive Secretary
Marina Sizemskaya, Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, Russia
Editorial Board Members
Branko Marinkovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Galimkair Mutanov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Ijaz Noorka, Pakistan Agricultural Scientist Society, Pakistan
Juying Jiao, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, China
Ioannis Takos, Kavala Institute of Technology, Greece
Jovan Crnobarac, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Mykola Bannikov, GIK Institute, Pakistan
Nadezhda Khristoforova, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia
Nikolaos Grigoriadis, Forest Research Institute, Greece
Oleg Romanovskii, V. E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Russia
Stoyanka Christoskova, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Theodora Merou, Kavala Institute of Technology, Greece
Virginia Zhelyazkova, VUZF University, Bulgaria