Portland, as the site for the 2012 Ecological Society of America annual meeting, is an ideal match for this theme. At the broader scale, Oregon has a diversity of ecosystems (rocky coastal habitat, temperate rainforest, mid to high elevation conifer forest, and even desert in the southeastern portion of the state). Oregon is largely forested, and timber harvesting has traditionally been the major economic driver of the state. More recently, the economy has shifted towards high tech development forcing changes in land-use planning. As a city, Portland lies in the shadow of Mount Hood, one of the largest mountains in the United States, and lies at the confluence of two of the great rivers of the Pacific Northwest (Columbia and Willamette). The region has had a long and rich history of natural resource utilization—sometimes sustainably, sometimes not. Portland is now known as one of the most progressive and “greenest” cities in the United States and is widely recognized for their land-use planning. Against a backdrop of urban and cultural development they have in many ways become a model for utilization, sustainability, and preservation of the ecosystems in which they live.

The indiscriminate and uncontrolled use of fossil fuels from past to present, especially since the dawn of modern civilization, has raised an environmental pollution, emissions of CO2 and also finally caused to global warming. To prevent all these bad situations, the new alternative technologies, energy efficiency and management have become extremely important within effective developing policies. “International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition” (IEESE) will serve as a bridge for people around the world to share their work in this field.
The Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition has been held every 2 year by the collaboration of fourteen regional universities since 2003. Until 2010, this symposium was national, but it has been transformed to an international scientific organization that provides an excellent opportunity for discussion and knowledge exchange for scientists, policy-makers, engineers and other specialists with an interest in issues related to energy.
The 6th IEESE, organized by the Ege University and hosted by the Solar Energy Institute and Mechanical Engineering Department, will be held on June 28 – 30, 2012 at Ege University in Izmir, Turkey. The symposium will be an international forum for the participants to address and discuss the state of the art innovation in energy and energy systems. The symposium will feature sessions, panels and tutorials by international experts on energy.
The Symposium Organizing Committee invites researchers and practitioners worldwide for participation. The symposium scope covers a wide area of topics with respect to energy as followed. Our Committees have the pleasure to invite and welcome you to participate in our exciting symposium.
The 12th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will take place from 22 to 25 May 2012 in Brussels. This year's theme is "Water".
Over some 40 sessions, the conference will focus on water. This valuable resource needs to be used properly and sparingly, making sure that we have enough for all of its uses, and avoiding polluting our rivers, seas and oceans. Along with all other natural resources, this is one of the most vital for our continued existence on this planet.
Green Week offers a unique opportunity for debate and exchanges of experience and best practice. Over the past decade, the conference has established itself as an unmissable event for anyone involved with protecting the environment. The 2011 edition attracted some 3 160 participants from government, business and industry, non-governmental organisations, academia and the media.
Pre & Post-Conference Meetings & Presentations
21/1 10:00
Everest Seminar Room, Beit Jala
18/1 15:00
Tel Aviv University, Azrieli School of Architecture Tel Aviv
18/1 11:00
Technion School of Architecture Haifa
17/1 14:00
Wizo School of Interior Design Haifa
12/1 19:00
TAU School of Architecture Tel Aviv
12/1 19:00
Bezalel Academy School of Architecture Jerusalem
12/1 9:00
HIT Interior Design Studios Holon
10/1 13:30
HIT Master Program Room 206 Building 7, Holon
10/1 11:30
College of Management Green Design Class Law Building, Rishon
9/1 13:15
HIT Industrial Design Room 400 Building 6, Holon
8/1 10:00
HIT Industrial Design Building 6, Holon
12/12 10:00
ECOWEEK 2011 in Athens, Greece AKTO Evelpidon 11A Athens
5/11 10:00-13:00
ECOWEEK presented at 'HOUSES FROM WITHIN' more (no.86) Rachel Imenu 15, Greek Colony, Jerusalem
More ECOWEEK meetings will be posted shortly.
Saturday February 25, 2012
Venues in Google Earth: here
All day
Arrival & check-in on your own
Sunday February 26, 2012
ECOWEEK & HIT Conference: Admission free Venues in Google Earth: here
ECOWEEK Workshops on-site registration Venue: HIT Lobby Bldg 6 Holon | Registration only
ECOWEEK 2012: Press Conference (to be confirmed) Distinguished Guests: Daniel Pearl, Architect (L'OEUF, Canada), Elena Barthel, Architect (Rural Studio, USA) Moderator: To be announced Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon
Coffee Break
ECOWEEK 2012 Introduction & Welcome Speakers: Prof. Gadi Golan (HIT), Arch. Amos Bareli (HIT), Arch. Braha Kunda (HIT), Arch. Dr. Elias Messinas (ECOWEEK) Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Opening Lecture Speaker: To be announced Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Design & Ecology: Micro & Macro & Community Cooperation Speakers: Arch. Hillel Schocken, Nurit Alfassi Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Conference Thematic Lectures: Action: Building 'green' Communities Short remarks and discussion: Elena Barthel (Rural Studio, USA), Alessio Battistella (ARCo, Italy), Arch. Thomas Doxiadis (doxiadis+, Greece), Suzanne Deschamps, Real Estate Developer (Canada) Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker: Daniel Pearl, Architect (L'OEUF, Canada) more Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free In cooperation and with the support of HIT.
ECOWEEK Workshops: Meet your Workshop Group Venue: HIT Auditorium Bldg 6 Holon | Registration only
Exhibition opening by eco-artist Shai Zakai Venue: HIT Gallery Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Reception buffet Venue: HIT Gallery Bldg 6 Holon | Admission free
Multinational Knowledge Brokerage Event on Sustainable Housing 28-30 March 2012
Venue: ETSAV (Superior Technical School of Architecture of the Vallès) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona

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