Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment
dc.creator |
Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Grim, John A. |
| |
2016-01-08T19:57:55Z |
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2016-01-08T19:57:55Z |
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1994 |
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1994 |
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation |
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1994. 246 p. |
dc.identifier.uri |
dc.identifier.uri | |
dc.format |
Monograph |
dc.language |
en |
dc.source |
eweb:135996 |
dc.subject |
Ecology |
dc.subject |
Environment |
dc.subject |
Philosophy |
dc.subject |
Religion |
dc.subject.classification |
Religious Ethics |
dc.subject.classification |
Sexuality / Gender |
dc.subject.classification |
Environmental Quality |
dc.title |
Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Philosophy, and the Environment |
dc.provenance |
Citation prepared by the Library and Information Services group of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University for the ETHXWeb database. |
dc.provenance |
Citation migrated from OpenText LiveLink Discovery Server database named EWEB hosted by the Bioethics Research Library to the DSpace collection EthxWeb hosted by DigitalGeorgetown. |
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Tucker, Mary Evelyn and Grim, John A. (2001-09)
Tucker, Mary Evelyn; Grim, John A. (2001-09)
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Book Launch - Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change: Keeping Our Heads above Water
December 01, 2016 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM ESTWashington, DC

Learn how Bangladesh is leading the way forward in adaptation, from local community action to international negotiations.
Like most developing nations, Bangladesh emits a fraction of the world’s greenhouse gases. Yet it is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world, facing increasingly severe flooding, droughts and cyclones. Climate scientists estimate that rising sea levels alone will displace 18 million people by 2050.
But Bangladeshis are not simply victims of climate change. They have centuries of experience coping with environmental variability, and they are leading the way forward in adaptation, from local community action to international negotiations. Cyclone shelters and early warning systems have dramatically reduced fatalities, while Bangladeshi experts have played a central role in global climate talks.
David Hulme will launch his co-authored book, Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change: Keeping Our Heads above Water, and discuss the findings of the book with a participants and a panel of experts.

David Hulme, Professor of Development Studies, The University of Manchester; Executive Director, Global Development Institute. David Hulme is Professor of Development Studies at the University of Manchester where he is Executive Director of the Global Development Institute and CEO of the Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre. He has worked on rural development, poverty and poverty reduction, microfinance, the role of NGOs in conflict/peace and development, environmental management, social protection and the political economy of global poverty for more than 30 years. His main focus has been on Bangladesh but he has worked extensively across South Asia, East Africa and the Pacific. His recent books include Bangladesh Confronts Climate Change (Anthem, 2016), Should Rich Nations Help the Poor? (Polity, 2016), Global Poverty: Global Governance and Poor People (Routledge, 2015), Governance, Management and Development (Palgrave, 2015), and Just Give Money to the Poor (Kumarian Press, USA, 2010).

Moushumi Chaudhury, Associate, Climate Resilience, World Resources Institute. Moushumi Chaudhury is an Associate at World Resource Institute’s Climate Resilience Practice, where she builds capacity to prioritize adaptation options in Fiji and Kenya as well as supports South-South knowledge exchange. She previously worked with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) covering East Africa, West Africa and South Asia. Prior to her experience with CCAFS, she worked with the United Nations Development Program in New York, the Center for International Forestry Research Institute in Indonesia as well as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Moushumi holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Sussex in Brighton, England. She has an MS in Natural Resources and Environment from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a BA in Anthropology & Sociology from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
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Health Ecology: Health, Culture, and Human-environment Interaction
Psychology Press, 1999 - 276 pages
An introduction to examining health from a human ecological perspective. Bringing together a variety of approaches from different perspectives and different locations, the contributors examine the various dimensions of health ecology in a human ecology framework, examining how local, regional and global factors impinge upon the health and environment of individuals, communities and the globe. Experts from human ecology, public health and policy, sociology, anthropology and geography, draw on a range of global examples - spanning Australia, Japan, Spain, Belgium and North America - to examine issues such as: health in urban and rural areas; child health from an ecological perspective; healthy homes; health within a political context; health and sustainable development; and health promotion and the media. Setting out new foundations for Health Ecology, which aims to create and maintain a sustainable state of health for human beings in a healthy environment, this book offers challenges to those teaching, studying or developing strategies and policies in health and the environment.
Ecology and Islam: review of Abdul-Matin's "Green Deen"
Muslim Americans are slowly beginning to make their mark on their conflicted society. There are more Muslims than Jews in the US now --approximately 5 million. They are the most diverse of all American believers, 35 per cent born in the US (25 per cent Afro-American), the rest -- immigrants from southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Traditionally they have voted Republican, but have shifted to Democrat and Green parties in recent years.
Ibrahim Abdul-Matin is the son of black converts, raised in New York, a community organiser now environmental adviser to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. His book about Islam and the environment -- Green Deen -- is a stimulating overview of both the US environmental movement and how American Muslims are becoming part of it, bringing their own unique perspective.
Abdul-Matin sees the weakness of the environmental movement today in its secular, legalist approach to problems: pass enough laws and you can curb the negative practices of business and consumers, and push them along an environmentally-friendly path.
But this, as he shows in this book, is not enough. He interprets Islam's focus on One Creator as giving "humankind the opportunity to be one and to have a common purpose", to bring back ethical principles into our daily lives. He points to six principles which underlie Islam and shows how they relate to our relationship to the environment:
*understanding the Oneness of God and His creation (tawhid);
*seeing signs of God (ayat) everywhere;
*being a steward (khalifah) of the Earth;
*honouring the trust we have with God (amana) to be protectors of the planet;
*moving toward justice (adl); and
*living in balance with nature (mizan).