Symposium on Environmental Pollution


16th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region


IoanniaSeptember 24 to 27, 2011, Ioannina – Greece

Organized by MESAEP (Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection),

This year’s symposium will focus on the Sustainable Water Management 


Main Subjects

Sustainable water management

Food safety and quality

IoanninaAgricultural, domestic and industrial waste

Soil quality and pollution

Outdoor and indoor air quality and pollution

Environment and human health

Impact of climate change in the Mediterranean area

Renewable energy sources

Environmental education


Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30, 2011, Acceptance Notification: May 31, 2011

 Please use the recommended on-line registration on the homepage of MESAEP:


Paper publications

All papers presented at the symposium will be eligible, upon refereeing, for publication in the peer reviewed international journal FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN (FEB), the official journal of MESAEP.


In collaboration with


Previous symposia

were held in Athens/Greece (1981), Crete/Greece (1983), Istanbul/Turkey (1985), Kavala/Greece (1987), Blanes/Spain (1989), Como/Italy (1991), Antibes/France (1993), Rhodes/Greece (1995), Sorrento/Italy (1997), Alicante/Spain (1999), Limassol/Cyprus (2001), Antalya/Turkey (2003), Thessaloniki/Greece (2005), Sevilla/Spain (2007) and Bari/Italy (2009).


The city of Ioannina, next to the lake Pamvotis, is the capital of Epirus, northwestern Greece. Lake Pamvotis lies at the centre of a 480 metre-high basin in a picturesque mountain setting, with the Kyra Frosyni Island in its middle and the sprawling city of Ioannina on its western shores.

Natural beauty, historic and modern buildings come together at Ioannina, offering a vibrant and contemporary city comprising the most important commercial and cultural centre in Epirus and north-western Greece.

The Archaeological Museum of Ioannina exhibits finds from Epirus ranging from the Paleolithic period to Roman times. They include artefacts from the sacred area of what claimed to be the oldest-known oracle in ancient Greece in the Temple of Zeus at Dodona