Live the Future


ON's advisory service

Operation Noah Operation Noah is offering a new advisory service to churches and communities. ‘Live the Future’ is a call to people of faith to take on a leadership role in their towns or cities, by living a transformed and rapidly de-carbonised life – in community. Such leadership is vital to help avert the threat posed to Creation by human-induced global warming.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree: so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof......”
Matthew 13:31

The time for talk on climate change has ended. We acknowledge that the financial and ecological crisis has revealed a yearning in society for moral and spiritual leadership and for a sense of wholeness and connectedness.


Time For Action

It is now time for action, and in particular for leadership by people of faith and their communities. The goal of such action to bring about both individual but also ecological and social transformation – by applying the Christian faith, and de-carbonising lifestyles.

Given the scale of the crisis facing humanity, ON calls on faith communities to ‘Live the Future‘ and lead by example, simultaneously demonstrating to society the relevance of the Christian faith to the transformation needed if the precious gift that is Creation is to be protected from human-induced global warming.

“Jesus declared that God’s promise of good news for the poor was fulfilled in his ministry. He was the embodiment of the promise and the promise was both an agenda for his life (the micro-change he brought to people’s personal wellbeing) and a promise about the coming reign of God (the macro-change necessary for the rule of justice and peace).”

From “An Economy of Life - Re-imagining human progress for a flourishing world”. Preamble from the General Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia’s 12th General Assembly in July, 2009.