Marrakech Climate Summit Continues Momentum Towards Low-Carbon Future


Marrakech Climate Summit Continues Momentum Towards Low-Carbon Future

by The Nature Conservancy / Press Statement

MARRAKECH, MOROCCO | November 18, 2016

Marrakech Climate SummitOver the past two weeks, leaders from around the world reaffirmed their commitment to taking decisive action together on climate change, and to advancing the landmark Paris Agreement. That Agreement, reached last December, established for the first time a strong framework in which all countries agreed to take national action to address the threat of climate change. Throughout this year’s climate conference in Marrakech, known as COP 22, negotiators began the tough work of implementing that agreement, by developing guidance to support countries’ efforts. By the close of COP 22, more than 100 countries had formally joined the Agreement.

The Marrakech conference followed closely other key advances in recent months, such as the speedy entry into force of the Paris Agreement, the recent aviation emissions reduction agreement from Montreal, and the Kigali agreement to reduce heat-trapping hydrofluorocarbons used in air conditioning and refrigerators.

The results of the U.S. election of a candidate who has expressed skepticism about climate change occurred during the COP 22, and governments, businesses and civil society, including those in the United States, responded with renewed determination to advance management of the risks presented by climate change and to continue to develop a clean energy, low-carbon future. On November 16, more than 360 global companies and investors stated their continued support for previously agreed limits on global warming and to accelerating efforts to seize the opportunities of moving to a low-carbon economy.

As host of the COP, Morocco has shown great leadership in focusing this year’s meeting on implementation, particularly on behalf of Africa and the countries most affected by climate change. Efforts such as the Moroccan plan to generate 52 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2030 serve as a model for other countries to follow.

As in Paris, states, cities, and communities around the world continued to show strong leadership in committing to address the risks they face from climate change. One notable example is the emissions trading alliance between California and several provinces in Canada. This movement toward carbon pricing is also seen in the emerging carbon trading systems in China and Mexico.

The Nature Conservancy believes that addressing climate change presents opportunities for innovation in all facets of human life – in how the world produces and uses energy, designs buildings and cities, and conserves and uses lands and coastlines. New thinking and science in these areas can address climate threats while contributing safer communities, stronger economies, and healthy lands and waters. Seventy percent of the countries where TNC works have ratified the Paris Agreement, and we look forward to helping those countries advance their Paris objectives, as well as those communities and companies who are pursuing an ambitious low-carbon future.

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Kirsten Weymouth-Ullman
Senior Media Relations Manager
cell: +1-703-928-4995