Dr. Fikret Berkes


Dr. Fikret Berkes

Dr. Fikret BerkesDistinguished Professor and Canada Research Chair
Natural Resources Institute
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3T 2N2
Tel.: (204) 474-6731
Fax: (204) 261-0038
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Website: Resource Management



B.Sc. McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1968
Ph.D. Marine Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1973


Dr. Berkes is an applied ecologist by background and works at the interface of natural and social sciences. He joined the University of Manitoba in 1991 as the Director of NRI, a position he occupied until 1996. He has served as the President of the International Association for the Study of Common Property (1996-98) and as the leader of a number of research groups. He has devoted most of his professional life to investigating the relations between societies and their resources, and to examining the conditions under which the "tragedy of the commons" may be avoided. He works on theoretical and practical aspects of community-based management, co-management, and traditional knowledge. His publications include the books, Sacred Ecology (Routledge, 2008), Breaking Ice (U Calgary Press, 2005), Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (Cambridge U Press, 2003), and Managing Small-Scale Fisheries (IDRC, 2001). See his list of publications and downloadable PDFs elsewhere on this web site. Dr. Berkes holds a Tier I Canada Research Chair (2002) and the title of Distinguished Professor (2003). For more detail, click on Canada Research Chair at the NRI site.


Research Interests

Dr. Berkes' main area of research is the commons, with current emphasis on adaptive co-management, complex systems/resilience, and indigenous knowledge. He works with Masters and PhD students who have an interdisciplinary orientation and an interest in combining social and ecological perspectives. Several of his national and international team projects involve NRI students. Five such projects were in progress in the past year: the SSHRC project, "Community-based resource management in a multi-level world", SSHRC/CURA project, "Protected area creation, culture and development at the Cree community of Wemindji, James Bay, Quebec" (with C. Scott, McGill, PI); the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) project, "Community-based conservation and UNDP Equator Initiative cases", the CIDA project, "Building environmental governance capacity in Bangladesh" (with C.E. Haque, NRI, PI); the Natural Resources Canada project, "Adaptation as resilience building: a policy study of climate change vulnerability and adaptation on the Canadian Prairies" (with H. Venema, IISD, PI).

Selected Professional Activities and Networks

Canada Research Chair

CBRM Publications

Last Updated: November 2010


1. Berkes, F. 2010. Shifting perspectives on resource management: resilience and the reconceptualization of 'natural resources' and 'management'. MAST Maritime Studies 9: 11-38.

2. Marin, A., S. Gelcich, G. Araya, G. Olea, M. Espinola and J.C. Castilla 2010. The 2010 tsunami in Chile: devastation and survival of coastal small-scale fishing communities. Marine Policy 34: 1381-1384.

3. Robinson, L.W., J.A. Sinclair, and H. Spaling 2010. Traditional pastoralist decision-making processes: Lessons for reforms to water resources management in Kenya. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 53: 847-862.

4. Berkes, F. 2010. Rethinking community-based conservation. In: International Year of Biodiversity: Conservation Social Science. Wiley-Blackwell virtual publication http://www.wiley.com/bw/vi.asp?ref=0888-8892&site=1 (original paper: Conservation Biology 18: 621-630, 2004.)

5. Trimble, M., M. Ríos, C. Passadore, M. Szephegyi, M. Nin, F. Olaso Garcia, C. Fagúndez, P. Laporta 2010. Ecosistemas costeros uruguayos: una guía para su conocimiento. Averaves, Cetáceos Uruguay, Karumbé. Editorial Imprenta Monteverde. Montevideo, Uruguay. http://www.cetaceos.org.uy/publicaciones/arenas_final.pdf

6. Robson, J.P. and F. Berkes 2010. Sacred nature and community conserved areas. In: Nature and Culture: Rebuilding Lost Connections (S. Pilgrim and J. Pretty, eds.) Earthscan, London, pp. 197-216.

7. Khan, S.M.M.H. and C.E. Haque 2010. Wetland resource management in Bangladesh: implications for marginalization and vulnerability of local harvesters. Environmental Hazards 9: 54-73.

8. Mamun, A. A. 2010. Understanding the value of local ecological knowledge and practices for habitat conservation in human-altered floodplain systems: a case from Bangladesh. Environmental Management 45: 922-938.

9. Nayak, P.K. and F.Berkes 2010. Whose marginalization? Politics around environmental injustices in India's Chilika Lagoon. Local Environment 15: 553-567.

10. Almudi, T. and D.C. Kalikoski 2010. Traditional fisherfolk and no-take protected areas: the Peixe Lagoon National Park dilemma. Ocean & Coastal Management 53: 225-233.

11. Almudi, T. and F. Berkes 2010. Barriers to empowerment: fighting eviction for conservation in a southern Brazilian protected area. Local Environment 15:217-215.

12. Berkes, F. and I.J. Davidson-Hunt 2010. Innovating through commons use: community-based enterprises. International Journal of the Commons 4 (1): 1-7. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/

13. Chapin, F.S. III, S.R. Carpenter, G. P. Kofinas, C. Folke, N. Abel, W.C. Clark, P. Olsson, D.M.S. Smith, B. Walker, O.R. Young, F. Berkes, R. Biggs, J.M. Grove, R.L. Naylor, E. Pinkerton, W. Steffen and F.J. Swanson 2010. Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 241-249.

14. Berkes, F. 2010. Linkages and multi-level systems for matching governance and ecology: lessons from roving bandits. Bulletin of Marine Science 86: 235-250 .

15. Davidson-Hunt, I. and F. Berkes 2010. Journeying and remembering: Anishinaabe landscape ethnoecology from northwestern Ontario. In: Landscape Ethnoecology (L.M. Johnson and E.S. Hunn, eds.) Berghahn, New York and Oxford, pp. 222-240 .

16. Hoole, A.F. 2010. Place-power-prognosis: community-based conservation, partnerships and ecotourism enterprise in Namibia. International Journal of the Commons 4 (1): 78-99. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/

17. Hoole, A. and F. Berkes 2010. Breaking down fences: recoupling social-ecological systems for biodiversity conservation in Namibia. Geoforum 41: 304-317.5

18. Marin, A. and F. Berkes 2010. Network approach for understanding small-scale fisheries governance: The case of the Chilean coastal co-management system. Marine Policy 34:851-858..

19. Miller, A.M. and I. Davidson-Hunt 2010. Fire, agency and scale in the creation of aboriginal cultural landscapes. Human Ecology 38: 401-414.

20. Orozco-Quintero, A. and F. Berkes 2010. Role of linkages and diversity of partnerships in a Mexican community-based forest enterprise. Journal of Enterprising Communities 4: 148-161 .

21. Orozco-Quintero, A. and I.J. Davidson-Hunt 2010. Community-based enterprises and the commons: the case of San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro, Mexico. International Journal of the Commons 4 (1): 8-35. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/

22. Robinson, L.W. and F. Berkes 2010. Applying resilience thinking to questions of policy for pastoralist systems: lessons from the Gabra of northern Kenya. Human Ecology 38:335-350.

23. Shukla, S.R. and A.J. Sinclair 2010. Strategies for self-organization: learning from a village-level community-based conservation initiative in India..Human Ecology 38:205-215.

24. Seixas, C.S. and F. Berkes 2010. Community-based enterprises: the significance of partnerships and institutional linkages. International Journal of the Commons 4 (1): 183-212. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/

25. Tarnoczi, T.J. and F. Berkes 2010. Sources of information for farmers’ adaptation practices in Canada’s Prairie agro-ecosystem. Climatic Change 98: 299-305.



  1. Berkes, F. 2009. Indigenous ways of knowing and the study of environmental change. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand39: 151-156.
  2. Robson, J.P., A.M. Miller, C.J. Idrobo, C. Burlando, N. Deutsch, J.-E. Kocho-Schellenberg, R.D. Pengelly and K.L. Turner 2009. Building communities of learning: indigenous ways of knowing in contemporary natural resources and environmental management. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand39: 173-177.
  3. Zurba, M. 2009. Bringing local synthesis into governance and management systems: the Girrungun TUMRA case in northern Queensland, Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand39: 170-182.
  4. Pretty, J., W. Adams, F. Berkes, S.F. de Athayde, N. Dudley, E. Hunn, L. Maffi, K. Milton, D. Rapport, P. Robbins, E. Sterling, S. Stolton, A. Tsing, E. Vintinner and S. Pilgrim 2009. The intersections of biological diversity and cultural diversity: towards integration. Conservation & Society 7(2): 100-112.
  5. Turner, N.J., Y. Ari, F. Berkes, I.Davidson-Hunt, Z. F. Ertug, and A.M. Miller 2009. Cultural management of living trees: an international perspective. Journal of Ethnobiology 29: 237-270.
  6. Robinson, L.W. 2009. A complex systems approach to pastoral commons. Human Ecology 37: 441-451.
  7. Dahlberg, A. C., and C. Burlando. 2009. Addressing trade-offs: experiences from conservation and development initiatives in the Mkuze wetlands, South Africa. Ecology and Society14(2): 37. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss2/art37/
  8. Berkes, F. 2009. Indigenous traditions – the Arctic. In: Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Volume 2: The Spirit of Sustainability (W. Jenkins, ed.) Berkshire, Great Barrington, MA, pp. 213-215.
  9. Peloquin, C. and F. Berkes 2009. Local knowledge, subsistence harvests, and social-ecological complexity in James Bay. Human Ecology 37: 533-545.
  10. O’Brien, K., B. Hayward and F. Berkes 2009. Rethinking social contracts: building resilience in a changing climate. Ecology and Society 14 (2): 12. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol14/iss2/art12/
  11. Berkes, F. 2009. Revising the commons paradigm. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research 1: 261-264.
  12. Haque, C.E., A.K. Deb and D. Medeiros 2009. Integrating conservation with livelihood improvement for sustainable development: the experiment of an oyster producers' cooperative in southwest Brazil. Society and Natural Resources 22: 554-570.
  13. Shukla, S. 2009. Communicating education for sustainable development with less articulate and underprivileged communities: Innovative approaches to socially critical environmental education. In: Biogeography and Biodiversity: IGU Commission Contribution to International Year of Planet Earth (R.B. Singh, ed.) New Delhi: Rawat Publications, pp. 48-60.
  14. Shukla, S. 2009. Augmenting women's contributions in community-based conservation of medicinal plants: Lessons from biodiversity and recipe contests. In: Conservation of Medicinal Plants (R.N. Pati and D.N. Tewari, eds.) New Delhi: APH Publishing.
  15. Shukla, S. and A.J. Sinclair. 2009. Becoming a traditional medicinal plant healer: divergent views of practicing and young healers on traditional medicinal plant knowledge skills in India. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 7: 39-51. http://www.ethnobotanyjournal.org/
  16. Robson, J.P. 2009. Out-migration and commons management: social and ecological change in a high biodiversity region of Oaxaca, Mexico. International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management 5: 21-34
  17. Berkes, F., G.P. Kofinas and F.S. Chapin, III. 2009. Conservation, community and livelihoods. In: Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship: Resilience-based Resource Management in a Changing World (F.S. Chapin, III, G.P. Kofinas and C. Folke, eds.) Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 129-147
  18. Berkes, F. 2009. Social aspects of fisheries management. In: A Fishery Manager’s Guidebook. Second Edition (K.L. Cochrane and S.M. Garcia, eds.) FAO/Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 52-74.
  19. O'Flaherty, R.M., I.J. Davidson-Hunt and A.M. Miller. 2009. Anishinaabe stewardship values for sustainable forest management of the Whitefeather Forest, Pikangikum First Nation, Ontario. In: Changing the Culture of Forestry in Canada (M.G. Stevenson and D.C. Natcher, eds.) Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, Edmonton, pp. 19-34.
  20. Berkes, F., I. Davidson-Hunt, N. Deutsch, C. Burlando, A. Miller, C. Peters, P. Peters, R. Preston, J. Robson, M. Strang, A.Tanner, L. Trapper, R. Trosper and J. Turner. 2009. Institutions for Algonquian land use: change, continuity and implications for forest management. In: Changing the Culture of Forestry in Canada ( M.G. Stevenson and D. C. Natcher, eds.) Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, Edmonton, pp. 35-52.
  21. Shearer, J., P. Peters and I.J. Davidson-Hunt. 2009. Co-producing a Whitefeather Forest cultural landscape monitoring framework. In: Changing the Culture of Forestry in Canada (M.G. Stevenson and D.C. Natcher, eds.) Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, Edmonton, pp. 63-84.
  22. Armitage, D., R. Plummer, F. Berkes, R.I. Arthur, A.T. Charles, I.J. Davidson-Hunt, A.P. Diduck, N.C. Doubleday, D. Johnson, M. Marschke, P. McConney, E.W. Pinkerton, and E.K. Wollenberg. 2009. Adaptive co-management for social-ecological complexity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:95-102
  23. Berkes, F. 2009. Evolution of co-management: role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning. Journal of Environmental Management 90:1692-1702.
  24. Berkes, F. 2009. Community conserved areas: policy issues in historic and contemporary context. Conservation Letters 2:19-24.
  25. Berkes, F. and M. Kislalioglu Berkes. 2009. Ecological complexity, fuzzy logic and holism in indigenous knowledge. Futures 41: 6-12.
  26. Marschke, M. and A.J. Sinclair. 2009. Learning for sustainability: participatory resource management in Cambodian fishing villages. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 206-216.
  1. Berkes, F. 2008. Sacred Ecology. Second Edition, Routledge, New York
  2. Wiber, M., A. Charles and J. Kearney and F. Berkes 2008. Enhancing community empowerment through participatory fisheries research. Marine Policy 33: 172-179.
  3. Suluk, T.K. and S.L. Blakney 2008. Land claims and resistance to the management of harvester activities in Nunavut. Arctic 61(Suppl 1): 62-70.
  4. Kendrick, A. and M. Manseau 2008. Representing traditional knowledge: resource management and Inuit knowledge of barren-ground caribou. Society and natural Resources 21 (5): 404-418.
  5. Mamun, A.A. and C.E. Haque 2008. Understanding culture-based fisheries: an assessment of community-managed beel fisheries in Bangladesh. Asian Fisheries Science 21: 257-273.
  6. Fernandes, D. and F. Berkes 2008. "More eyes watching . . ." Community-based management of the arapaima (Arapaima gigas) in central Guyana. In: El Manejo de las pesquerias en la Amazonia (eds. D. Pinedo y C. Soria). Ottawa: IDRC and Instituto del Bien Comun, pp. 285-305.
  7. Berkes, F. 2008. Small-scale fisheries: alternatives to conventional management. In: El Manejo de las Pesquerias en la amazonia (eds. D. Pinedo y C. Soria). Ottawa: IDRC and Instituto del Bien Comun, pp. 447-463.
  8. Sims, L. and A.J. Sinclair. 2008. Learning through participatory resource management programs: case studies from Costa Rica. Adult Education Quarterly 58: 151-168.
  9. Bonny, E. and F. Berkes. 2008. Communication traditional environmental knowledge: addressing the diversity of knowledge, audiences and media types. Polar Record 44: 243-253.
  10. Berkes, F. and I.J. Davidson-Hunt. 2008. The cultural basis for an ecosystem approach: Sharing across systems of knowledge. In: The Ecosystem Approach. Complexity, Uncertainty, and Managing for Sustainability (D. Waltner-Toews, J.J. Kay and N.-M.E. Lister, eds.) Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 109 - 124.
  11. Nayak, P. and F. Berkes. 2008. Politics of co-optation: community forest management vs. Joint Forest Management in Orissa, India. Environmental Management 41: 707-718.
  12. O'Flaherty, R. M., I. J. Davidson-Hunt, and M. Manseau. 2008. Indigenous knowledge and values in planning for sustainable forestry: Pikangikum First Nation and the Whitefeather Forest Initiative. Ecology and Society 13(1): 6. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol13/iss1/art6/
  13. Berkes, F. 2008. Commons in a multi-level world. International Journal of the Commons 2 (1): 1-6. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org
  14. Seixas, C.S. and B. Davy 2008. Self-organization in integrated conservation and development initiatives. International Journal of the Commons 2 (1): 99-125. [online] URL: http://www.thecommonsjournal.org
  1. Shukla, S. 2007. Transmission of traditional medicinal plant knowledge: Local healers of Maharashtra, India. In: Sustainable Development: Issues and Perspectives (R.N. Pati and O. Schwarz-Herion, eds.) New Delhi: D.K. Printworld, pp. 41-67.
  2. Shukla, S. and J.S. Gardner. 2007. Community-based approaches to environmental education: Lessons for socially critical education and biodiversity conservation. In: Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development (W.L. Filho, ed.) Frankfurt and Main: Peter Lang, pp. 97-115.
  3. Almudi, T., D.C. Kalikoski, J.P. Castello. 2007. Territorial control as a fisheries management instrument: the case of artisanal fisheries in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, southern Brazil. American Fisheries Society Symposium 49: 187-196.
  4. Wiber, M., F. Berkes, A. Charles and J. Kearney. 2007. A participatory approach to identifying research needs for community-based fishery management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 49: 587-594.
  5. Robson, J. P. 2007. Local approaches to biodiversity conservation: lessons from Oaxaca, southern Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development 10: 267-286.
  6. Berkes, F. 2007. Community-based conservation in a globalized world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 15188-15193.
  7. Armitage, D., F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, editors 2007. Adaptive Co-Management: Collaboration, Learning, and Multi-Level Governance. University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver.
  8. Armitage, D., F. Berkes and N. Doubleday 2007. Introduction: moving beyond co-management. In: Adaptive Co-Management (D. Armitage, F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, eds.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 1-15.
  9. Berkes, F. 2007. Adaptive co-management and complexity: exploring the many faces of co-management. In: Adaptive Co-Management (D. Armitage, F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, eds.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 19-37.
  10. Kearney, J. and F. Berkes 2007. The importance of community for adaptive co-management. In: Adaptive Co-Management (D. Armitage, F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, eds.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 191-207.
  11. Berkes, F., D. Armitage and N. Doubleday 2007. Synthesis: adapting, innovating, evolving. In: Adaptive Co-Management (D. Armitage, F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, eds.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 308-327.
  12. Berkes, F. and I.J. Davidson-Hunt 2007. Communities and social enterprises in the age of globalization. Journal of Enterprising Communities 1: 209-221.
  13. O’Flaherty, R.M., I. Davidson-Hunt and M. Manseau 2007. Keeping woodland caribou in the Whitefeather Forest. Sustainable Forest Management Network, SFM Network Research Note Series No. 27. [online] URL: http://www.sfmnetwork.ca/html/publication_researchnotes_e.html
  14. Hughes, T.P., L.H. Gunderson, C. Folke, A.H. Baird, D. Bellwood, F. Berkes, B. Crona, Helfgott, H. Leslie, J. Norberg, M. Nyström, P. Olsson, H. Österblom, M. Scheffer, H. Schuttenberg, R.S. Steneck, M. Tengö, M. Troell, B. Walker, J. Wilson and B. Worm 2007. Adaptive management of the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon World Heritage Areas. Ambio 36: 586-592.
  15. Grant, S., F. Berkes and J. St. Louis 2007. A history of change and reorganization: the pelagic longline fishery in Gouyave, Grenada. Gulf and Caribbean Research 19: 141-148. [pdf]
  16. Grant, S., F. Berkes and J. Brierley 2007. Understanding the local livelihood system in resource management: the pelagic longline fishery in Gouyave, Grenada. Gulf and Caribbean Research 19: 113-122. [pdf]
  17. Folke, C., L. Pritchard, Jr., F. Berkes, J. Colding and U. Svedin 2007. The problem of fit between ecosystems and institutions: Ten years later. Ecology and Society 12 (1): 30. [online] URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol12/iss1/art30/
  18. Davidson-Hunt, I.J. and R.M. O'Flaherty 2007. Researchers, indigenous peoples and place-based learning communities. Society and Natural Resources 20: 291-305.
  19. Caine, K.J., M.J. Salomons and D. Simmons 2007. partnerships for social change in the Canadian North: revisiting the insider-outsider dialectic. Development and Change 38: 449-473.
  20. Berkes, F. 2007. Understanding uncertainty and reducing vulnerability: lessons from resilience thinking. Natural Hazards 41: 283-295. 
  21. Gardner, J.S. and J. Dekens 2007. Mountain hazards and the resilience of social-ecological systems: lessons learned in India and Canada. Natural Hazards 41: 317-336.
  22. Haque, E.H., and D. Etkin 2007. People and community as constituent parts of hazards: the significance of societal dimensions on hazards analysis. Natural Hazards 41: 271-282.
  23. Grant, S. and F. Berkes 2007. Fisher knowledge as expert system: a case from the longline fishery of Grenada, the Eastern Caribbean. Fisheries Research 84: 162-170. 
  24. Berkes, F., M. Kislalioglu Berkes and H. Fast 2007. Collaborative integrated management in Canada’s north: the role of local and traditional knowledge and community-based monitoring. Coastal Management 35: 143-162. 
  25. Kearney, J., F. Berkes, A. Charles, E. Pinkerton and M. Wiber 2007. The role of participatory governance and community-based management in integrated coastal and ocean management in Canada. Coastal Management 35: 79-104. 
  1. Nayak, P.K. 2006. Adaptive community forest management: Some emerging trends in India. In: Institutional Dynamics and Stasis (L. Lebel, X. Jianchu, A. Contreras, eds.) RCSD, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp. 89-109.
  2. Berkes, F. and I.J. Davidson-Hunt 2006. Biodiversity, traditional management systems, and cultural landscapes: examples from the boreal forest of Canada. International Social Science Journal 187: 35-47. 
  3. Berkes, F., W.V. Reid, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano 2006. Conclusions. In: Bridging  Scales and Knowledge Systems (W.V. Reid, F. Berkes, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano,  eds). Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Island Press, Washington DC, pp. 315-331. 
  4. Reid, W.V., F. Berkes, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano 2006. Introduction. In: Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems (W.V. Reid, F. Berkes, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano, eds). Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Island Press, Washington DC, pp. 1-17. 
  5. Reid, W.V., F. Berkes, T. Wilbanks and D. Capistrano, editors. 2006. Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems:  Linking Global Science and Local Knowledge in Assessments. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Island Press, Washington DC.
  6. Berkes, F. and N.J. Turner 2006. Knowledge, learning and the evolution of  conservation practice for social-ecological system resilience. Human Ecology 34:  479-494. [Online]
  7. Turner, N.J. and F. Berkes 2006. Coming to understanding: Developing conservation through incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest. Human Ecology 34: 495-513. [Online]
  8. Parlee, B., F. Berkes and Teetl’it Gwich’in Renewable Resources Council 2006. Indigenous knowledge of ecological variability and commons management: a case study on berry harvesting from northern Canada. Human Ecology 34: 515-528. [Online]
  9. Davidson-Hunt, I.J. 2006. Adaptive learning networks: developing resource management knowledge through social learning forums. Human Ecology 34: 593-614. [Online]
  10. Chapin, F. S., III, M. Hoel, S. R. Carpenter, J. Lubchenco, B. Walker, T. V. Callaghan, C. Folke, S. Levin, K.-G. Mäler, C. Nilsson, S. Barrett, F. Berkes, A.-S. Crépin, K. Danell,  T. Rosswall, D. Starrett, T. Xepapadeas  and S. A. Zimov 2006. Building resilience and adaptation to manage Arctic change. Ambio 35: 198-202. [Online]
  11. Berkes, F. and T. Adhikari 2006. Development and conservation: indigenous businesses and the UNDP Equator Initiative. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 3: 671-690. [Online]
  12. Cash, D.W., W.N. Adger, F. Berkes, P. Garden, L. Lebel, P. Olsson, L. Pritchard and O. Young 2006. Scale and cross-scale dynamics: governance and information in a multilevel world. Ecology and Society 11 (2): 8. [Online]
  13. Kim Nong and M. Marschke 2006. Building networks of support for community-based coastal resource management in Cambodia. In: Communities, Livelihoods and Natural Resources (S.R. Tyler, ed.) Intermediate Technology Publications and International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, pp. 151-168. [Online]
  14. Berkes, F. 2006. From community-based resource management to complex systems: the scale issue and marine commons. Ecology and Society 11(1): 45. [online]
  15. Marschke, M. and Berkes, F. 2006. Exploring strategies that build livelihood resilience: a case from Cambodia. Ecology and Society 11(1): 42. [online]  
  16. Berkes, F., T.P. Hughes, R.S. Steneck, J.A. Wilson, D.R. Bellwood, B. Crona, C. Folke, L.H. Gunderson, H.M. Leslie, J. Norberg, M. Nyström, P. Olsson, H. Österblom, M. Scheffer and B. Worm 2006. Globalization, roving bandits and marine resources. Science 311: 1557-1558 [Online]
  17. Shukla, S.R. and J.S. Gardner 2006. Local knowledge in community-based approaches to medicinal plant conservation: lessons from India. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2: 20 [online]
  1. Nayak, P.K. and C.E. Haque. 2005. Institutional approaches in natural resources management and sustainability: Lessons from joint forest management policy of India. International Journal on Environmental Consumerism 1 (1): 37-46.
  2. Berkes, F. and N. Turner 2005. Knowledge, learning and the resilience of social-ecological systems. In: Managing the Commons: Conservation of Biodiversity (L. Merino and J. Robson, eds.) Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, Mexico City, pp. 21-31. [pdf]
  3. Davidson-Hunt, I.J., P. Jack, E. Mandamin and B. Wapioke. 2005. Iskatewizaagegan (Shoal Lake) Plant Knowledge: An Anishinaabe (Ojibway) Ethnobotany of Northwestern Ontario. Journal of Ethnobiology 25:189-227 [pdf]
  4. Berkes, F. 2005. The scientist as facilitator or adaptive co-manager? Common Property Resource Digest No. 75: 4-5. [Online]
  5. Berkes, F. and C.S. Seixas 2005. Building resilience in lagoon social-ecological systems: a local-level perspective. Ecosystems 8: 967-974. [Online]
  6. Huntington, H.P., S. Fox, F. Berkes, I. Krupnik et al. 2005. The changing Arctic: Indigenous perspectives. Chapter 3, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 61-98. http://www.acia.uaf.edu/ [Online]
  7. Nuttall, M., F. Berkes, B. Forbes, G. Kofinas, T. Vlassova and G. Wenzel 2005. Hunting, herding, fishing and gathering: Indigenous peoples and renewable resource use in the Arctic. Chapter 12, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 649-690. http://www.acia.uaf.edu/ [Online]
  8. Vieira, P.F., F. Berkes, C.S. Seixas 2005. Gestao Integrada e Participativa de Recursos Naturais. Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Ensino em Ecologia e Desenvolvimento (APED) Editora, Florianópolis, Brazil, 415 pp. (Integrated Participatory Management of Natural Resources. Published in Portuguese by APED, the Brazilian Association of Teaching and Research in Ecology and Development.) http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~aped/
  9. Parlee, B., F. Berkes and the Teetl’it Gwich’in Renewable Resources Council 2005. Health of the land, health of the people:
    a case study on Gwich’in berry harvesting from northern Canada. EcoHealth 2: 127-137. [Online]
  10. Berkes, F. 2005. Traditional ecological knowledge. In: Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (B.R. Taylor, ed.) Thoemmes Continuum, London and New York, pp. 1646-1649.[pdf]
  11. Berkes, F. 2005. James Bay Cree and the Hydro-Quebec controversy. In: Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature (B.R. Taylor, ed.) Thoemmes Continuum, London and New York, pp. 895-897.[pdf]
  12. Grant, S. and J. Rennie. 2005. Is CPUE an indicator of stock abundance: case of Gouyave surface longline fishery. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fishing Institute, 56: 915-212.[]
  13. Berkes, F. 2005. Why keep a community-based focus in times of global interactions? Keynotes of the 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS), University of Alaska Fairbanks, May, 2004. Topics in Arctic Social Sciences 5: 33-43.[pdf]
  14. Berkes, F., R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, editors, 2005. Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 396 pp.
  15. Berkes, F., R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, editors, 2005. Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North. Plain Language Version (prepared by M. Schuegraf). Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.[pdf]
  16. Berkes, F. and H. Fast 2005. Introduction. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 1-19.[pdf]
  17. Myers, H., H. Fast, M. Kislalioglu Berkes and F. Berkes 2005. Feeding the family in times of change. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 23-45.[pdf]
  18. Thompson , S. 2005. Sustainability and vulnerability: Aboriginal Arctic food security in a toxic world. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 47-69.[pdf]
  19. Cobb, D., M. Kislalioglu Berkes and F. Berkes 2005. Ecosystem-based management and marine environmental quality indicators in northern Canada. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 71-93.[pdf]
  20. Fast, H., D.B. Chiperzak, K.J. Cott and G.M. Elliott 2005. Integrated management planning in Canada’s western Arctic: An adaptive consultation process. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 95-117.[pdf]
  21. Schlag, M.P. and H. Fast 2005. Marine stewardship and Canada’s Oceans Agenda in the western Canadian Arctic: A role for youth. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 119-138.[pdf]
  22. Manseau, M., B. Parlee and G.B. Ayles 2005. A place for traditional ecological knowledge in resource management. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 141-164.[pdf]
  23. Parlee, B., M. Manseau and Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation 2005. Understanding and communicating about ecological change: Denesoline indicators of ecosystem health. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 165-182.[pdf]
  24. Berkes, F., N. Bankes, M. Marschke, D. Armitage and D. Clark 2005. Cross-scale institutions and building resilience in the Canadian North. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 225-247.[pdf]
  25. Kristofferson, A.H. and F. Berkes 2005. Adaptive co-management of Arctic char in Nunavut Territory. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 249-268.[pdf]
  26. Diduck, A., N. Bankes, D.C. Clark and D. Armitage 2005. Unpacking social learning in social-ecological systems: case studies of polar bear and narwhal management in northern Canada. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 269-290.[pdf]
  27. Huebert, R., M. Manseau and A. Diduck 2005. Conclusion: integration, innovation, and participation. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary, pp. 363-372.[pdf]
  28. Manseau, M., Parlee, B, Bill, L., Kendrick, A., and Rainbow Bridge Communications (producers) 2005. Watching, listening, learning, understanding changes in the environment. Community-based monitoring in northern Canada. Video. In: Breaking Ice: Renewable Resource and Ocean Management in the Canadian North (F. Berkes, R. Huebert, H. Fast, M. Manseau and A. Diduck, eds.) University of Calgary Press, Calgary.
  29. Marschke, M. and F. Berkes 2005. Local level sustainability planning for livelihoods: a Cambodian experience. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 12: 21-33.[pdf]
  30. Carlsson, L. and F. Berkes 2005. Co-management: Concepts and methodological implications. Journal of Environmental Management 75: 65-76.[pdf]
  31. Berkes, F. 2005. Commons theory for marine resource management in a complex world. In: Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources (N. Kishigami and J.M. Savelle, eds.) Senri Ethnological Studies 67: 13-31.[pdf]
  32. Parlee, B., M. Manseau and Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation. 2005. Using traditional knowledge to adapt to ecological change: Denesoline monitoring of caribou movements. Arctic 58: 26-37. [pdf]
  33. Kendrick, A., P.O’B. Lyver and the Lútsël K’é Dëne First Nation 2005. Dënesôline (Chipewyan) Knowledge of Hazu Ts’i ÆEtthén (Barren Ground Caribou. Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) Movements. Arctic 58: 175-191. [pdf]
  1. Nayak, P.K. 2004. Adaptive community forest management: An alternate paradigm. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 14: 199-216.
  2. King, L. 2004. Competing knowledge systems in the management of fish and forests in the Pacific Northwest. International Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 4: 161-177.[pdf].
  3. Grant, S. 2004. Caribbean women in fishing economies. Proceedings of the 55th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 68-77. [pdf].
  4. Chapin, F.S. III, G. Peterson, F. Berkes, T. V. Callaghan, P. Angelstam, M. Apps, C. Beier, Y. Bergeron, A.-S. Crepin, T. Elmqvist, C. Folke, B. Forbes, N. Fresco, G. Juday, J. Niemelä, A. Shvidenko and G. Whiteman. 2004. Resilience and vulnerability of northern regions to social and environmental change. Ambio 33: 344-349.[pdf]
  5. Elmqvist, T., F. Berkes, C. Folke, P. Angelstam, A.-S. Crépin and J. Niemelä. The dynamics of ecosystems, biodiversity management and social institutions at high northern latitudes. Ambio (2004) 33: 350-355.[pdf]
  6. Moller, H., F. Berkes, P.O. Lyver and M. Kislalioglu 2004. Combining science and traditional ecological knowledge: monitoring populations for co-management. Ecology and Society 9 (3): 2. [online]
  7. Olsson, P., C. Folke and F. Berkes 2004. Adaptive co-management for building resilience in social-ecological systems. Environmental Management 34: 75-90. [pdf]
  8. Wiber, M., F. Berkes, A. Charles and J. Kearney 2004. Participatory research supporting community-based fishery management. Marine Policy 28: 459-468. [pdf]
  9. Bingeman, K., F. Berkes and J. S. Gardner 2004. Institutional responses to development pressures: resilience of social-ecological systems in Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 11: 99-115. [pdf]
  10. Berkes, F. 2004. Rethinking community-based conservation. Conservation Biology 18: 621-630. [pdf]
  11. Seixas, C.S. and F. Berkes 2004. Stakeholder conflicts and solutions across political scales: The Ibiriquera Lagoon, Brazil. In: Challenging Coasts: Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development (L.E. Visser, ed.) Amsterdam University Press, pp. 180-210.
  12. Nichols, T., F. Berkes, D. Jolly, N.B Snow, and the Community of Sachs Harbour 2004. Climate change and sea ice: Local observations from the Canadian western Arctic. Arctic 57: 68-79. [pdf]
  13. Lobe, K. and F. Berkes 2004. The padu system of community-based fisheries management: change and local institutional innovation in south India. Marine Policy 28: 271-281. [pdf]
  14. Seixas, C. and E. Troutt 2004. Socio-economic and ecological feedbacks in lagoon fisheries: management principles for a co-evolutionary setting. Interciencia 29; 362-368. [pdf]
  15. Vijaya Sherry Chand, S. R. Shukla, Biodiversity Contests’: Indigenously Informed and Transformed Environmental Education, Applied Environmental Education and Communication: An International Journal, Volume 2, Issue 4, Jan 2003, Pages 229 – 236. [pdf]
  1. LaRochelle, S. and F. Berkes 2003. Traditional ecological knowledge and practice for edible wild plants: biodiversity use by the Raramuri in the Sierra Tarahumara, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 10: 361-375. [pdf]
  2. Davidson-Hunt, I. and F. Berkes 2003. Learning as you journey: Anishnaabe perception of social-ecological environments and adaptive learning. Conservation Ecology 8 (1): 5. [online]
  3. Kendrick, A. 2003. Community Perceptions of the Beverly-Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board. In Robert Anderson and Robert Bone (eds) Natural Resources and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Readings, Cases and Commentary. Captus Press.
  4. Marschke, M. and Kim Nong 2003. Adaptive co-management: lessons from coastal Cambodia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 24 (3): 369-383. [pdf]
  5. Berkes, F. 2003. Alternatives to conventional management: Lessons from small-scale fisheries. Environments 31: 5-19. [pdf]
  6. Davidson-Hunt, I.J. 2003. Indigenous lands management, cultural landscapes and Anishinaabe people of Shoal Lake, Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Environments 31: 21-42. [pdf]
  7. Kendrick, A. 2003. The flux of trust: caribou co-management in northern Canada. Environments 31: 43-59. [pdf]
  8. Blakney, S. 2003. Aboriginal forestry in New Brunswick: conflicting paradigms. Environments 31: 61-78. [pdf]
  9. Turner, N.J., I.J. Davidson-Hunt and M. O’Flaherty. 2003. Living on the edge: Ecological and cultural edges as sources of diversity for social-ecological resilience. Human Ecology 31: 439-463. [pdf]
  10. Berkes, F., J. Anderson, C. Duffield, J.S. Gardner, A.J. Sinclair and G. Stevens 2003. Participatory management and sustainability: Evolving policy and practice in a mountain environment. In: The Integrity Gap: Canada’s Environmental Policy and Institutions (E. Lee and A. Perl, eds.) UBC Press, Vancouver, pp. 133-166. [pdf]
  11. Seixas, C. and F. Berkes. 2003. Learning from fishers: local knowledge for management design and assessment. In: Conservação da diversidade biológica e cultural em zonas costeiras: enfoques e experiências na America Latina e no Caribe (P.F. Vieira, ed.) APED, Florianópolis, Brazil, pp. 333-367.
  12. Dudgeon, R.C. and F. Berkes 2003. Local understandings of the land: Traditional ecological knowledge and indigenous knowledge. In: Nature Across Cultures (H. Selin, ed.) Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 75-96. [pdf]
  13. Berkes, F., J. Colding and C. Folke, editors, 2003. Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 393 pp.
  14. Berkes, F., J. Colding and C. Folke 2003. Introduction. In: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (F. Berkes, J. Colding and C. Folke, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1-29.
  15. Davidson-Hunt, I.J. and F. Berkes 2003. Nature and society through the lens of resilience. In: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (F. Berkes, J. Colding and C. Folke, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 53-82.
  16. Gadgil, M., P. Olsson, F. Berkes and C. Folke 2003. Exploring the role of local ecological knowledge in ecosystem management: three case studies. In: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (F. Berkes, J. Colding and C. Folke, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 189-209.
  17. Seixas, C. and F. Berkes 2003. Dynamics of social-ecological changes in a lagoon fishery in southern Brazil. In: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (F. Berkes, J. Colding and C. Folke, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 271-298.
  18. Folke, C., J. Colding and F. Berkes 2003. Building resilience and adaptive capacity in social-ecological systems. In: Navigating Social-Ecological Systems (F. Berkes, J. Colding and C. Folke, eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 352-387.
  19. Bingeman, K. 2003. Women's participation in forest management decisions in the Upper Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. Himalayan Research Bulletin 21 (2): 53-61. [pdf]
  20. Seixas, C. and E. Troutt 2003. Evolution of a Brazilian shrimp market. Ecological Economics 46: 399-417.[pdf]


Publications 2002 and earlier

Folke, C. and 24 contributors (including F. Berkes). 2002. Resilience for Sustainable Development: Building Adaptive Capacity in a World of Transformations. International Council for Scientific Unions (ICSU), Rainbow Series No. 3. Paris. Also as report for the Swedish Environmental Advisory Council 2002:1 [Online] http://www.sou.gov.se/mvb/pdf/resiliens.pdf

Jolly, D., Berkes, F., Castleden, J., Nichols, T. and the Community of Sachs Harbour 2002. "We can't predict the weather like we used to." Inuvialuit observations of climate change, Sachs Harbour, western Canadian Arctic. In: The Earth Is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change (I. Krupnik and D. Jolly, eds.) Fairbanks AK: ARCUS, pp. 93-125.

Berkes, F. 2002. Epilogue: Making sense of Arctic environmental change? In: The Earth Is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change (I. Krupnik and D. Jolly, eds.) Fairbanks AK: ARCUS, pp. 335-349.

Berkes, F. 2002. Cross-scale institutional linkages: Perspectives from the bottom up. In: The Drama of the Commons (E. Ostrom, T. Dietz, N. Dolsak, P.C. Stern, S. Stonich and E.U. Weber, eds.) National Academy Press, Washington, DC, pp. 293-321. [Online] http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10287.html

Berkes, F. and C. Folke 2002. Back to the future: Ecosystem dynamics and local knowledge. In: Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems (L.H. Gunderson and C.S. Holling, eds.) Island Press, Washington, DC, pp. 121-146

Berkes, F. 2001. One of 25 contributors to the Guide to Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy (N. Mirovitskaya and W. Ascher, eds.) Duke University Press, Durham and London.

Berkes, F. and D. Jolly 2001. Adapting to climate change: Social-ecological resilience in a Canadian western Arctic community. Conservation Ecology 5 (2): 18. [Online] http://www.consecol.org/vol5/iss2/art18

Riedlinger, D. and F. Berkes 2001. Contributions of traditional knowledge to understanding climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Record 37: 315-328

Berkes, F., J. Mathias, M. Kislalioglu and H. Fast 2001. The Canadian Arctic and the Oceans Act: The development of participatory environmental research and management. Ocean & Coastal Management 44: 451-469

Davidson-Hunt, I. and F. Berkes 2001. Changing resource management paradigms, traditional ecological knowledge, and non-timber forest products. In: Forest Communities in the Third Millennium (I. Davidson-Hunt, L.C. Duchesne and J.C. Zasada, eds.) USDA Forest Service, St. Paul MN, pp. 78-92.

Berkes, F. and I. Davidson-Hunt 2001. Changing practice of indigenous knowledge research. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems (K.N. Ganeshaiah, R.U. Shaanker and K.S. Bawa, eds.) Oxford - IBH, New Delhi, pp. 58-61.

Dressler, W., F. Berkes and J. Mathias 2001. Beluga hunters in a mixed economy: Managing the impacts of nature-based tourism in the Canadian Western Arctic. Polar Record 37: 35-48.

Berkes, F., R. Mahon, P. McConney, R.C. Pollnac and R.S. Pomeroy 2001. Managing Small-Scale Fisheries: Alternative Directions and Methods. International Development Research Centre, Ottawa. 308 pp. This book is downloadable chapter by chapter. Click on Natural Resources in IDRC site: http://www.idrc.ca/booktique

Berkes, F., 2001. Religious traditions and biodiversity. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Volume 5, pp. 109-120 (S. Levin, ed.) Academic Press, San Diego.

Berkes, F., J. Colding and C. Folke 2000. Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management. Ecological Applications 10: 1251-1262.

Berkes, F., J.S. Gardner and A.J. Sinclair 2000. Comparative aspects of mountain land resources management and sustainability: Case studies from India and Canada. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 7: 375-390.

Berkes, F. 1999. Are East African pastoralists truly conservationists? Comment. Current Anthropology 40: 62: 637-638.

Berkes, F. 1999. Twenty-five years in community-based coastal resources management. Out of the Shell (IDRC Coastal Resources Research Network Newsletter) 7 (2): 5-7.

Fast, H. and Berkes, F. 1999. Climate change, northern subsistence and and land-based economics. In: D. Wall et al., eds. Securing Northern Futures. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, Edmonton, pp. 9-19.

Berkes, F. 1999. Sacred Ecology. Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management. Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia and London.

Berkes, F. 1999. Role and significance of "tradition" in indigenous knowledge. Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 7 (1): 19.

Treseder, L., J. Honda-McNeil, M. Berkes, F. Berkes, J. Dragon, C. Notzke, T. Schramm and R.J. Hudson 1999. Northern Eden: Community-Based Wildlife Management in Canada. International Institute for Environment and Development, London. 68 pp.

Fast, H. and Berkes, F. 1998. Climate change, northern subsistence and land-based economies. In: Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, Volume 8: National Cross-Cutting Issues (N. Mayer and W. Avis, editors) Ottawa: Environment Canada, pp. 206-226.

Berkes, F. and C. Folke, editors 1998. Linking Social and Ecological Systems. Management Practices and Social Mechanisms for Building Resilience. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (Includes four chapters authored or co-authored by Berkes.)

Berkes, F., M. Kislalioglu, C. Folke and M. Gadgil 1998. Exploring the basic ecological unit: Ecosystem-like concepts in traditional societies. Ecosystems 1: 409-415.

[Berkes, F., I. Davidson-Hunt and K. Davidson-Hunt 1998. Diversity of common property resource use and diversity of social interests in the western Indian Himalaya. Mountain Research and Development 18: 19-33

Duffield, C., J.S. Gardner, F. Berkes and R.B. Singh 1998. Local knowledge in the assessment of resource sustainability: Case studies in Himachal Pradesh and British Columbia, Canada. Mountain Research and Development 18: 35-49.

Berkes, F. 1998. IASCP Presidential address. Dialogues of the commons: Emerging directions for jointly used natural resources. Common Property Resource Digest No. 46: 17-20.

Berkes, F. 1998. Nature of traditional ecological knowledge and the Canada-wide experience. Terra Borealis 1: 1-3.

Berkes, F. 1997. New and not-so-new directions in the use of the commons: Co-management. Common Property Resource Digest No. 42: 5-7 (Reproduced in Collaborative Management News (IUCN), No.2, January 1998).

Pomeroy, R.S. and F. Berkes 1997. Two to tango: The role of government in fisheries co-management. Marine Policy 21: 465-480.

Ohmagari, K. and F. Berkes 1997. Transmission of indigenous knowledge and bush skills among the Western James Bay Cree women of subarctic Canada. Human Ecology 25: 197-222.

Rosenberg, D.M., F. Berkes, R.A. Bodaly, R.E. Hecky, C.A. Kelly and J.W.M. Rudd 1997. Large-scale impacts of hydroelectric development. Environmental Reviews 5: 27-54.

Berkes, F. and J.S. Gardner, editors 1997. Sustainability of Mountain Environments in India and Canada. Report of a Project under the CIDA-SICI Partnership Programme. Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. (Includes three chapters co-authored by Berkes.)

Berkes, F. and T. Henley 1997. Usefulnesss of traditional knowledge: Myth or reality? Policy Options 18 (3): 55-56.

Berkes, F. and T. Henley 1997. Co-management and traditional knowledge: Threat or opportunity? Policy Options 18 (2): 29-31.

Berkes, F. 1996. Social systems, ecological systems, and property rights. In: Rights to Nature, (S. Hanna, C. Folke and K.-G. Maler, eds.), Island Press, Washington, DC, pp. 87-107. (Reprinted in: Common Property: Readings and Resources for Community-based Natural Resource Management Researchers (C. Thompson and S. Langill, compilers) International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 1999.)

Berkes, F., and H. Fast 1996. Aboriginal peoples: The basis for policy-making towards sustainable development. In: Achieving Sustainable Development (A. Dale and J.B. Robinson, eds.). University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 204-264.

[Berkes, F. 1996. Questions in the Canadian North. World Conservation 2/96: 20.

Preston, R.J., F. Berkes and P.J. George 1995. Perspectives on sustainable development in the Moose River Basin. In: Papers of the Twenty-Sixth Algonquian Conference (D.H. Pentland, ed.). University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, pp. 379-393.

Berkes, F. 1995. Contributor to Chapters 11 and 13. Global Biodiversity Assessment (V.H. Heywood, exec. ed.), UNEP and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Berkes, F. 1995. Indigenous knowledge and resource management systems: A native Canadian case study from James Bay. In: Property Rights in a Social and Ecological Context (S. Hanna and M. Munasinghe, eds.) The World Bank, Washington, DC, pp. 99-109.

Folke, C. and F. Berkes 1995. Mechanisms to link property rights to ecological systems. In: Property Rights and the Environment: Social and Ecological Issues (S. Hanna and M. Munasinghe, eds.) The World Bank, Washington, DC, pp. 121-137.

Berkes, F. 1995. "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Hardin, Garrett". In: Conservation and Environmentalism. An Encyclopedia (R. Paehlke, ed.). Garland, New York and London, pp. 342-3 and 637-8.

Berkes, F. 1995. Community-based management of common property resources. Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology Vol. 1, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 371-373.

Berkes, F., C. Folke and M. Gadgil. 1995. Traditional ecological knowledge, biodiversity, resilience and sustainability. In: Biodiversity Conservation (C.A. Perrings, K.G. Mäler, C. Folke, B.O. Jansson & C.S. Holling, eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 281-299.

Berkes, F., A. Hughes, P.J. George, R.J. Preston, B.D. Cummins and J.Turner 1995. The persistence of aboriginal land use: Fish and wildlife harvest areas in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario. Arctic 48: 81-93.

George, P.J., F. Berkes, R.J. Preston. 1995. Aboriginal harvesting in the Moose River basin: A historical and contemporary analysis. Canadian Review of Sociology andAnthropology 32: 69-90.

Berkes, F. and A.H. Smith 1995. Coastal marine property rights: The second transformation. In: Philippine Coastal Resources under Stress M.A. Juinio-Menez and G.F. Newkirk, eds.) Coastal Resources Research Network, Dalhousie University, Halifax, and University of the Philippines, Quezon City, pp. 103-113.

Berkes, F. 1995. Community-based management and co-management as tools for empowerment. In: Empowerment towards Sustainable Development (N. Singh and V. Titi, eds.) Fernwood, Halifax, and Zed Books, London, pp. 138-146.

Berkes, F. 1995. The role of co-management in conservation planning. In : The Churchill: A Canadian Heritage River (P. Jonker, ed.) University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, pp. 202-208.

Berkes, F., P.J. George, R.J. Preston, A. Hughes, J. Turner and B.D. Cummins 1994. Wildlife harvesting and sustainable regional native economy in the Hudson and James Bay Lowland, Ontario. Arctic 47: 350-360. (Abridged version published in: Canadian Journal of Economics 25: S356-S360, 1996.)

Berkes, F. 1994. Co-management: bridging the two solitudes. Northern Perspectives 22 (2-3): 18-20.

Berkes, F. 1994. Property rights and coastal fisheries. In: Community Management and Common Property of Coastal Fisheries in Asia and the Pacific (R.S. Pomeroy, ed.). ICLARM Conference Proceedings, Manila, pp. 51-62.

Berkes, F. and C. Folke 1994. Investing in cultural capital for the sustainable use of natural capital. In: Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability (A.M. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Folke and R. Costanza, eds.). ISEE/Island Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 128-149.

Berkes, F. 1993. Application of ecological economics to development: The institutional dimension. Proceedings of a Workshop. IREE/CIDA, Ottawa, pp. 61-71

Berkes, F. 1993. Traditional ecological knowledge in perspective. In: Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases. (J.T. Inglis, ed.). Canadian Museum of Nature/International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, pp.1-9.

Berkes, F. 1993. Cree fishermen of the eastern subarctic: stewards of the commons. In: Environmental Stewardship: Studies in Active Earthkeeping (S. Lerner, ed.). University of Waterloo, Geography Publication Series no. 39, pp. 157-172.

Gadgil, M., F. Berkes and C. Folke 1993. Indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Ambio 22: 151-156.

Smith, A.J. and F. Berkes 1993. Community-based use of mangrove resources in St. Lucia. International Journal of Environmental Studies 43: 123-132.

Berkes, F and C. Folke 1992. A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital. Ecological Economics 5: 1-8. (Reprinted in Carrying Capacity Briefing Book, CCN, Washington DC, 1996. Spanish translation: Gaceta Ecologica [Mexico] 46: 13-19, 1997.)

Berkes, F. 1992. Success and failure in marine coastal fisheries of Turkey. In: Making the Commons Work (D.W. Bromley, ed.) Institute for Contemporary Studies Press, San Francisco pp. 161-182.

Kislalioglu, M. and F. Berkes 1992. Biological Diversity. Rev.Ed. Environmental Foundation of Turkey, Ankara. 130pp. (in Turkish with English summary).

Berkes, F. and M. Kislalioglu 1991. Community-based management and sustainable development. La Recherche Face a la Peche Artisanale, (J.R. Durand, J. Lemoalle, J. Weber, eds.). Editions de l'ORSTOM, Paris, pp. 567-574.

Smith, A.H. and F. Berkes 1991. Solutions to the "tragedy of the commons": Sea urchin management in St. Lucia, West Indies. Environmental Conservation 18: 131-136.

Gadgil, M. and F. Berkes 1991. Traditional resource management systems. Resource Management and Optimization 8: 127-141.

Berkes, F., P.J. George and R.J. Preston 1991. Co-management: The evolution in theory and practice of the joint administration of living resources. Alternatives 18(2): 12-18.

Berkes, F. and D. Pocock 1990. Diversity of Great Lakes fisheries in the Canadian Great Lakes. Society and Natural Resources 3: 173-186.

Feeny, D., F. Berkes, B.J. McCay and J.M. Acheson 1990. The tragedy of the commons: Twenty-two years later. Human Ecology 18: 1-19. (Reprinted in: Green Planet Blues: Environmental Politics from Stockholm to Rio , K. Conca, M. Alberty and G.D. Dabelko, eds., Westview, Boulder, 1995, pp. 53-62. Green Planet Blues, second edition, 1998, pp. 55-64. Also reprinted in: Managing the Commons. Second Edition, J.A. Baden and D.S. Noonan, eds., Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1998, pp. 76-94. Japanese translation, Ecosophia 1 (1), 1998). Spanish translation: Gaceta Ecologica [Mexico] 46: 13-19, 1998. Also reproduced in Environmental Valuation and Policy, The Open University, UK, 2000.)

Berkes, F. and D. Feeny 1990. Paradigms lost: Changing views on the use of common property resources. Alternatives 17(2): 48-55.

Berkes, F. 1990. The James Bay hydroelectric project. Alternatives 17(3): 20. (Reprinted in: Social Conflict and Environmental Law, A. Greenbaum et al., eds., Captus Press, North York, 1994, pp. 374-5).

Berkes, F. 1990. Native subsistence fisheries: A synthesis of harvest studies in Canada. Arctic 43: 35-42.

Berkes, F. 1990. Impacts of James Bay development. In: Effets des Amenagements Hydroelectriques sur le milieu (C.E. Delisle et M.A. Bouchard, eds.), Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, Montreal, pp. 623-636.

Kislalioglu, M. and F. Berkes 1990. La Grande 2 Reservoir NAM-28:20 pp.; Caniapiscau Reservoir NAM-35: 12pp. In: Data Book on World Lake Environments. ILEC/UNEP, Otsu, Japan.

Kislalioglu, M. and F. Berkes 1990. Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Revised edition. (First edition, 1985.) Remzi Publishers, Istanbul, 350 pp. (in Turkish with English summary).

Berkes, F., editor. 1989. Common Property Resources: Ecology and Community-Based Sustainable Development. Belhaven Press, London, 302 pp. (Includes four chapters authored or co-authored by F. Berkes.) Reprinted as paperback, 1992.

Kislalioglu, M. and F. Berkes 1989. Environment and Ecology. Remzi Publishers, Istanbul, 284 pp. (in Turkish). Seventh revised printing, 1999.

Berkes, F. 1989. Co-management and the James Bay Agreement. In: Co-operative Management of Local Fisheries (E.Pinkerton, ed.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 189-208.

Rettig, R.B., F. Berkes and E. Pinkerton 1989. The future of fisheries co-management: A multi-disciplinary assessment. In: Co-operative Management of Local Fisheries (E. Pinkerton, ed.) University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 273-289.

Berkes, F., D. Feeny, B.J. McCay and J.M. Acheson 1989. The benefits of the commons. Nature 340: 91-93. (Reprinted in: Common Property: Readings and Resources for Community-based Natural Resource Management Researchers (C. Thompson and S. Langill, compilers) International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 1999. Spanish translation published in: Hombre y Ambiente 11: 111-123, 1989).

Berkes F. and M. Kislalioglu 1989. A comparative study of yield, investment and energy use in small-scale fisheries: some considerations for resource planning. Fisheries Research 7: 207-224.

Berkes, F. 1989. Red humour. Alternatives 16 (2): 21.

Berkes, F. 1989. Local-level resource management studies and programs: The Great Lakes region and Ontario. In: Community-Based Resource Management in Canada: An Inventory of Research and Projects (F.G. Cohen and A.J. Hanson, eds.) Canada/MAB Report 21, pp. 97-118.

Berkes, F. 1988. The intrinsic difficulty of predicting impacts: Lessons from the James Bay hydro project. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 8: 201-220.

Berkes, F. 1988. Subsistence fishing in Canada: a note on terminology. Arctic 41: 319-320.

Berkes, F. 1988. Environmental philosophy of the Cree people of James Bay. In: Traditional Knowledge and Renewable Resource Management in Northern Regions. (M. Freeman and L. Carbyn, eds.) Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, pp. 7-21.

Drolet, C.A., A. Reed, M. Breton and F. Berkes 1987. Sharing wildlife management responsibilities with native groups: Case histories in Northern Quebec. Transactions of the 52nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference pp. 389-398.

Berkes, F. and A. Kence 1987. Fisheries and the Prisoner's Dilemma game: Conditions for the evolution of cooperation among users of common property resources. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 20: 209-227.

Berkes, F. and D. Pocock 1987. Quota management and "people problems": A case history of Canadian Lake Erie fisheries. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116: 494-502.

Berkes, F. 1987. The common property resource problem and the fisheries of Barbados and Jamaica. Environmental Management 11: 225-235

Whillans, T.H., G.R. Francis, A.P. Grima, H.A. Regier and F. Berkes 1987. Stemming a dirty tide: Long Point Bay, Lake Erie. International Journal of Environmental Studies 29: 41-52.

Berkes, F. 1987. Common property resource management and Cree Indian fisheries in subarctic Canada. In: The Question of the Commons (B.J. McCay and J.M. Acheson, eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 66-91.

Berkes, F. 1986. Marine inshore fishery management in Turkey. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Common Property Resource Management. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 63-83.

Berkes, F. and M.M.R. Freeman 1986. Human ecology and resource use. In: Canadian Inland Seas (I.P. Martini, ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 425-455.

Berkes, F. and A.B. Shaw 1986. Ecologically sustainable development: A Caribbean fisheries case study. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 7: 175-196.

Berkes, F. 1986. Local-level management and the commons problem: A comparative study of Turkish coastal fisheries. Marine Policy 10: 215-229.

Berkes, F. 1986. Common property resources and hunting territories. Anthropologica 28: 145-162.

Berkes, F. 1986. Chisasibi Cree hunters and missionaries: Humour as evidence of tension. In: Actes du Dix- Septième Congrès des Algonquinistes (W. Cowan, ed.) Carleton University, Ottawa, pp. 15-26.

Whillans, T.H. and F. Berkes 1986. Use and abuse, conflict and harmony: The Great Lakes fishery in transition. Alternatives 12(3): 10-18.

Berkes, F. 1985. The common property resource problem and the creation of limited property rights. Human Ecology 13: 187-208.

Berkes, F. 1985. Fishermen and the "tragedy of the commons". Environmental Conservation 12: 199-206.

Berkes, F. ed. 1985. Environmental impact of major hydroelectric projects in Canada. Special Issue, Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 18-65.

Berkes, F. 1984. Competition between commercial and sport fishermen: an ecological analysis. Human Ecology 12: 413-429.

Berkes, F. 1984. Alternative styles in living resources management: The case of James Bay, Quebec. Environments 16(3): 114-123.

Berkes, F. and D. Pocock 1983. The Ontario Native Fishing Agreement in perspective, a study in user-group ecology. Environments 15 (3): 17-26.

Berkes, F., G. Perizzolo and D. Pocock 1983. Fishing effort and processing capacity: Resource management implications. Environments 15 (1): 1-8.

Berkes, F. 1983. Quantifying the harvest of native subsistence fisheries. In: Boreal Forest Ecosystems Conference Proceedings (R.W. Wein, et al., eds.), ACUNS, Ottawa, pp.346-363.

Berkes, F. 1982. Preliminary impacts of the James Bay hydroelectric project, Quebec, on estuarine fish and fisheries. Arctic 35:524-530.

Berkes, F. 1982. Energy subsidies and native domestic (subsistence) fisheries. Naturaliste Canadien 109: 1011-1019.

Berkes, F. 1982. Waterfowl management and northern native peoples with reference to Cree hunters of James Bay. Musk-Ox 30:23-35.

Berkes, F. and T. Gonenc 1982. A mathematic model on the exploitation of northern lake whitefish with gill nets. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 2:176-183.

Berkes, F. 1982. Monk seals on the southwest coast of Turkey. In: Mammals in the Seas, FAO Fisheries Series No. 5, Volume IV, pp. 237-242.

Berkes, F. 1981. Fisheries of the James Bay area and northern Quebec: A case study in resource management. In: Renewable Resources and the Economy of the North (M.M.R. Freeman, ed.), ACUNS/MAB, Ottawa, pp. 143-160.

Berkes. F. 1981. The role of self-regulation in living resources management in the North. In: Renewable Resources and the Economy of the North (M.M.R. Freeman, ed.), ACUNS/MAB, Ottawa, pp. 166-178.

Berkes, F. and D. Pocock 1981. Self-regulation of commercial fisheries of the Outer Long Point Bay, Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 7:111-116.

Berkes, F. 1981. Some environmental and social impacts of the James Bay hydroelectric project, Canada. Journal of Environmental Management 12: 157-172.

Berkes, F. 1980. The mercury problem: an examination of the scientific basis for policy-making. In: Resources and the Environment (O.P. Dwivedi, ed), McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, pp. 269-287.

Berkes, F. 1980. Issues and perspectives on fish and wildlife management in the James Bay area. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists 37 (2): 95-101.

Berkes, F. et al. 1979. Distribution and ecology of Monachus monachus on Turkish coasts. In: The Mediterranean Monk Seal (K. Ronald and R. Duguy, eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 113-127.

Berkes, F. 1979. An investigation of Cree Indian domestic fisheries in northern Quebec. Arctic 32: 46-70.

Berkes, F. and M. MacKenzie 1978. Cree fish names from eastern James Bay, Quebec. Arctic 31: 489-495.

Berkes, F. 1978. Management of recreational fisheries in northern Quebec: policies versus tools. Canadian Public Policy 4:460-473.

Berkes, F. and C.S. Farkas 1978. Eastern James Bay Cree Indians: Changing patterns of wild food use and nutrition. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 7:155-172.

Sergeant, D., K. Ronald, J. Boulva and F. Berkes 1978. The recent status of Monachus monachus, the Mediterranean monk seal. Biological Conservation 14: 259-287.

Berkes, F. 1978. On seals and fishermen. Ilgi 26: 6-8.

Berkes, F. 1978. Arctic view of the "white man". Science Forum 11 (2): 29-31.

Berkes, F. 1977. Turkish dolphin fisheries. Oryx 14; 163-167.

Berkes, F. 1977. Fishery resource use in a sub-arctic Indian community. Human Ecology 5:289-307.

Berkes, F. 1977. Ecological significance of the neglecta form of Thysanoessa inermis (Kroyer). Crustaceana (Leiden) 33: 39-46.

Berkes, F. 1977. Production of the euphausiid crustacean Thysanoessa raschii in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada 32:443-446.

Berkes, F. 1976. Ecology of euphausiids in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 33: 1894-1905.

Smith, E.C., F. Berkes and J.A. Spence 1975. Mercury levels in fish in the La Grande River area, northern Quebec. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 13: 673-677.

Berkes, F. and B. Schleifer 1976. University undergraduates in elementary school environmental education. Journal of Environmental Education 7(4): 18-23.

Berkes, F., ed. 1973. James Bay Forum. Public Hearing on the James Bay Project. Montreal.

Butler, M.J.A. and F. Berkes 1973. Biological aspects of oil pollution in marine environment: a review. In: Canadian Maritime Oil Exploration, Exploitation, and Transport: A Multidisciplinary Study (M.A. Loutfi, ed.) Prepared for Environment Canada, McGill University, Montreal.